[CryptoParty] Fwd: [realraum] Let's talk about Tor

Stefan crypto at 2904.cc
Sa Jan 18 14:46:01 CET 2014

For your information:
---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
Von: "Nicolas Braud-Santoni" <nicolas at braud-santoni.eu>
Datum: 18.01.2014 02:13
Betreff: [realraum] Let's talk about Tor
An: <realraum at realraum.at>


Last weekend[0], Markus convinced me to give a talk at Realraum, about
Tor[1] and Nos oignons[2].

Tor is an anonymity-providing, censorship-resilient network.
Basically, it is designed to protect your (or anyone else's) privacy and
make the connections you make (like accessing a website) not linkable to

Nos oignons is a French NGO I helped create, which operates Tor exit nodes.

I can do it basically whenever until early February, so I put online a
small form to ask you which day would be most convenient:
(I removed the days where something else is happening at Realraum)
Of course, only answer it if you believe you might actually come ;)

The talk should take between 30 and 45 minutes (approx., I haven't
finished the slides yet) and will be about:
- a presentation of Tor:
  - what is it good for?
  - how to use it (well)?
  - I probably won't go into the gory technical details;

- a presentation of Nos oignons:
  - what have we done?
  - with what kind of means? (Spoiler: not that much)
  - why is it good for the Tor network?

- what do you need to operate a Tor relay or an exit node?
Indeed, some people here told me they operated one until the police
asked some questions about it ;)

Also, if anyone wants to do key-signing afterwards, I would definitely
like that :]

Kind regards,

[0] Great party, by the way
[1] https://torproject.org
[2] https://nos-oignons.net

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