+comunity+ Jeu de Paume Museum I Call for support
Reni Hofmueller
reni at mur.at
Fr Jun 21 17:17:28 CEST 2013
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To: reni at mur.at
Subject: Jeu de Paume Museum I Call for support
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 10:56:43 +0200
Call for support
Jeu de Paume museum under pressure to cede to intimidation
1 place de la Concorde
75008 Paris
Sign the petition
martaponsa at jeudepaume.org
<mailto:martaponsa at jeudepaume.org>www.jeudepaume.org
The Paris Museum of Images, Jeu de Paume, its staff and director have been
receiving threats for days in reaction to a photography exhibition, PHANTOM
HOME <http://www.jeudepaume.org/index.php?page=article&idArt=1774&lieu=1> by
the Palestinian artist Ahlam Shibli.
The exhibition is incriminated as the "glorification of terrorism".
The question of the security of personnel and museum visitors has become
serious and concrete on Friday June 14th following bomb alerts. The museum
is at risk of closure because of these threats.
Friends of the museum are asking for your support in the defense of freedom
of expression of an institution under pressure to cede to intimidation :
"Together, whether as artists, intellectuals, people working in the field of
culture and creation, or men and women from all walks of life, we are
rallying to thwart the repeated attempts of all those who have decided to
set themselves up as censors with the aim of closing the exhibition
‘Phantom Home’ at the Jeu de Paume, a retrospective of the work of
Palestinian artist Ahlam Shibli.
We call on the government to assume its responsibilities:
1/ By guaranteeing the protection of the people and the works themselves,
which have been subjected to repeated threats and a bomb scare;
2/ By clearly reasserting the right to free artistic expression and debate
in our country through dialogue and the exchanging of experiences;
3/ By unconditionally supporting the Jeu de Paume’s arts policy and the
events it programs."
Sign the petition
can also read the article written by Emmanuel Alloa and called "La censure
est de retour"
censor is back).
15 Rue Haute02820 St. Erme Outre et RamecourtFrance
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