+comunity+ ekw14,90 Aktuell
André Tschinder
tsch at mur.at
Di Jun 18 14:30:56 CEST 2013
Dear Friends,
It is our great pleasure to invite you for a special event
Presentation of the publication.
With works by: ekw14,90, Karin Fisslthaler, Andreas Kurz, Daniel Ladnar
(Random People), Lucas Norer, Renato Osoy, Doris Prlić, H.K.
Rannversson, Isfrid Angard Siljehaug, Iva Supić Janković.
20 June 2013
Open Doors: 20.00
Presentation: 20.30
For Finding a New Order Doris Prlić and Marlies Stöger asked different
artists and writers to reflect on existing structures or search for new
ones. 11 artists followed the invitation and produced artworks or texts
for this project. The contributions are published in this magazine and
will be released on a website. After the presentation at the Zolder
Museum an exhibition in Austria will follow.
No matter which political direction they are attributed to, European
feature pages and contemporary philosophers seem to agree: Our current
system has failed - be it political, financial or regarding the whole
society. We need new ideas, new formations, a way out of the chaos.
Censorship, rigid structures and mechanisation-if one searches for an
enemy, it is never hard to find such a one. But where to find a
solution? Artists, however, have been busy with these issues all along.
Nevertheless, the art world is trapped in exploiting mechanisms and
rigidity just as well. Hierarchical systems, gate keepers and top dogs
maintain structures directing who displays and who doesn't. Yet,
wherever hierarchies exist, those who criticize them are not far.
Since the number of visitors is limited it is important to announce your
presence via email.
Iva Supic Jankovic
Director, Zolder Museum
Da Costastraat 26-2-zolder
1053 ZC Amsterdam
mob: 0634271848
Über Ihr/Euer Kommen würden wir uns sehr freuen!
Mit den besten Wünschen,
(Marlies Stöger, Moke Klengel, Christoph Rath, Andre Tschinder)
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