+comunity+ Fwd: XL experiment: call for participation in streaming events
Gernot Tutner
tutner at mur.at
Mo Apr 20 10:13:37 CEST 2009
na da wird sich ja wohl und hoffentlich das radio helsinki beteiligen.
falls live musiker benötigt werden, bin ich gerne dabei.
lg gernot
Am 20.04.2009 um 10:03 schrieb Jogi Hofmueller <jogi at mur.at>:
> Hallo Leute,
> Von den Nachbarn im Süden.
> LG,
> j.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: XL experiment: call for participation in streaming events
> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 18:01:14 +0200
> From: KUD Trivia <savski at 3via.org>
> Reply-To: savski at 3via.org
> To: jogi at mur.at
> Dear colleagues and friends!
> This is an invitation for your remote participation at an event in
> Ljubljana in Kapelica Gallery. If you have an ongoing event inside the
> dates mentioned below - even better!
> The keyword here is XL Experiment - Re-inventing the radio -
> pointing to
> the 40 years of our local radio station Radio Student. The title
> appeared recently as a book published by
> Kunstradio. But since the principle of re-invention is echoing in
> other
> heads also, we decided to use it as a metaphore - linked with some of
> today\'s visions of Radio Student.
> From 3rd to 8th May 2009 we will be feeding multimedia platform with
> public events (from 20.00 CET to 24.00 CET) - concerts, performances,
> presentations, debates, workshops, ... and less public - ethereal
> (from
> 0.00 CET to 6.00 CET - in the night) - that we will broadcast directly
> to airwaves (and netwaves) of Radio Student.
> You are invited with any kind of interventions: as participants in
> debates, as remote performers, presenters, as a broadcaster of your
> event. The preferences are in this order: live action, combined
> (sampling) action, recorded action - and this will of course depend on
> what is offered. The languages of communication are any of those
> that we
> can understand
> (well, the CE english...). The languages of artistic expression can be
> any of those that allow artistic expression (...).
> The international broadcast platform will be multimedia (ogg/theora
> streaming) - sound and vision (= television?) and the interventions
> will
> be archived and put online. If you are able to participate with sound
> and vision - great! We can accept all the streaming solutions and will
> provide some additional streaming means for your use.
> The internal (human) structure is horizontal (collaborations,
> recombinations, events as modules, self-production, sharing,
> creative-commons, open-source-code, hacking, do-it-yourself), with
> some
> of the vertical cuts in this body (authors\' artistic
> interventions). The flow is supposed to be a combination of
> serial-parallel and the shedule is not too fixed - and is adaptable.
> Participants on this side are: Borut Savski, Luka Princic, Brane
> Zorman,
> Luka Frelih, Maja Smrekar, Bojan Andjelkovic, Peter Kisin, Miha
> Tomsic,
> Arnold Marko, Majda Gregoric, Bostjan
> Leskovsek, Primoz Oberzan, Stefan Doepner, Nina Faric, Orton and
> others.
> The aim is to compress ourselves and our productions in limited space
> and time and maybe expect amplification - an energy bounce from
> lower to
> higher: a quantum leap. As a metaphore, of course. Shared experiences
> and collaborations (if succesfull) are the potential for the
> multiplication of similar events in the future.
> This text on web:
> http://www.radiostudent.si/rs40let/details.php?id=119
> The timeline - so far just in slovene language:
> http://www.radiostudent.si/rs40let/details.php?id=120
> Excerpt from the introduction:
> The 40th birthday of Radio Student is a nice opportunity to put to
> good
> use some of the non-conventional usages of radio as media - and it was
> exactly this radio station that was on the forefront of
> experimentation
> in the last 40 (XL) years. Though always inspired by the
> individualistic
> initiatives of various generations of collaborators of Radio Student -
> never fully aware of each other - they successfully added some
> difference to the
> ever-present \'sameness\'. They crossed the borders of conventional
> media - and then moved onwards to the experimental artistic
> expressions.
> Still, the XL Experiment at Kapelica Gallery will not deal with
> historic
> timelines.
> After 40 years it is time to put forward some practical actions, some
> research and also some critical discourse and views on advanced (and
> retroactive!) approaches - along with the use of
> inter(active/net)multimedia - usually in artistic ways. Sacred wish is
> to locate the meaningful focuses and combine it with the necessary
> technology - to get the natural approach to contemporary radio media -
> as an intermultimedia platform. So we broadcast live, archive on the
> fly, resample it as we like - and rebroadcast again - as simple and
> fast
> as possible. The basic principle of radio has always been the shortest
> time from production to performing/publishing.
> The intermultimedia platform in Kapelica can be seen as a
> \'sono-broadcasting and sono-recording radio-cinematographic station
> (remote recording and transmitted sound and vision)\', that was
> proposed
> by Tziga Vertov at the First all-Soviet conference for the sound
> motion
> film, about eighty years ago. The question, that here we only ask, is:
> Why was Vertov\'s proposal - though even at that time technologically
> possible - not accepted until this date? And, of course, here we enter
> the domain of ideology, economy, politics and finances; and
> consequently: into the domains of open source code, DIY, hacking,
> hackivism (hacking activism) and the creative commons principles of
> (self-)organisation - because this principles are always political - a
> call to change the code and the rules, when they block any action.
> /text by Bojan Andjelkovic and Borut Savski/
> --
> Angela Fessl hat sich über das letzte Gerücht über Edgar Sorgo
> halb tot
> lachen müssen.
> http://plagi.at/geruecht/
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