+comunity+ Fwd: XL experiment: call for participation in streaming events
Jogi Hofmueller
jogi at mur.at
Mo Apr 20 10:03:12 CEST 2009
Hallo Leute,
Von den Nachbarn im Süden.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: XL experiment: call for participation in streaming events
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 18:01:14 +0200
From: KUD Trivia <savski at 3via.org>
Reply-To: savski at 3via.org
To: jogi at mur.at
Dear colleagues and friends!
This is an invitation for your remote participation at an event in
Ljubljana in Kapelica Gallery. If you have an ongoing event inside the
dates mentioned below - even better!
The keyword here is XL Experiment - Re-inventing the radio - pointing to
the 40 years of our local radio station Radio Student. The title
appeared recently as a book published by
Kunstradio. But since the principle of re-invention is echoing in other
heads also, we decided to use it as a metaphore - linked with some of
today\'s visions of Radio Student.
From 3rd to 8th May 2009 we will be feeding multimedia platform with
public events (from 20.00 CET to 24.00 CET) - concerts, performances,
presentations, debates, workshops, ... and less public - ethereal (from
0.00 CET to 6.00 CET - in the night) - that we will broadcast directly
to airwaves (and netwaves) of Radio Student.
You are invited with any kind of interventions: as participants in
debates, as remote performers, presenters, as a broadcaster of your
event. The preferences are in this order: live action, combined
(sampling) action, recorded action - and this will of course depend on
what is offered. The languages of communication are any of those that we
can understand
(well, the CE english...). The languages of artistic expression can be
any of those that allow artistic expression (...).
The international broadcast platform will be multimedia (ogg/theora
streaming) - sound and vision (= television?) and the interventions will
be archived and put online. If you are able to participate with sound
and vision - great! We can accept all the streaming solutions and will
provide some additional streaming means for your use.
The internal (human) structure is horizontal (collaborations,
recombinations, events as modules, self-production, sharing,
creative-commons, open-source-code, hacking, do-it-yourself), with some
of the vertical cuts in this body (authors\' artistic
interventions). The flow is supposed to be a combination of
serial-parallel and the shedule is not too fixed - and is adaptable.
Participants on this side are: Borut Savski, Luka Princic, Brane Zorman,
Luka Frelih, Maja Smrekar, Bojan Andjelkovic, Peter Kisin, Miha Tomsic,
Arnold Marko, Majda Gregoric, Bostjan
Leskovsek, Primoz Oberzan, Stefan Doepner, Nina Faric, Orton and others.
The aim is to compress ourselves and our productions in limited space
and time and maybe expect amplification - an energy bounce from lower to
higher: a quantum leap. As a metaphore, of course. Shared experiences
and collaborations (if succesfull) are the potential for the
multiplication of similar events in the future.
This text on web:
The timeline - so far just in slovene language:
Excerpt from the introduction:
The 40th birthday of Radio Student is a nice opportunity to put to good
use some of the non-conventional usages of radio as media - and it was
exactly this radio station that was on the forefront of experimentation
in the last 40 (XL) years. Though always inspired by the individualistic
initiatives of various generations of collaborators of Radio Student -
never fully aware of each other - they successfully added some
difference to the
ever-present \'sameness\'. They crossed the borders of conventional
media - and then moved onwards to the experimental artistic expressions.
Still, the XL Experiment at Kapelica Gallery will not deal with historic
After 40 years it is time to put forward some practical actions, some
research and also some critical discourse and views on advanced (and
retroactive!) approaches - along with the use of
inter(active/net)multimedia - usually in artistic ways. Sacred wish is
to locate the meaningful focuses and combine it with the necessary
technology - to get the natural approach to contemporary radio media -
as an intermultimedia platform. So we broadcast live, archive on the
fly, resample it as we like - and rebroadcast again - as simple and fast
as possible. The basic principle of radio has always been the shortest
time from production to performing/publishing.
The intermultimedia platform in Kapelica can be seen as a
\'sono-broadcasting and sono-recording radio-cinematographic station
(remote recording and transmitted sound and vision)\', that was proposed
by Tziga Vertov at the First all-Soviet conference for the sound motion
film, about eighty years ago. The question, that here we only ask, is:
Why was Vertov\'s proposal - though even at that time technologically
possible - not accepted until this date? And, of course, here we enter
the domain of ideology, economy, politics and finances; and
consequently: into the domains of open source code, DIY, hacking,
hackivism (hacking activism) and the creative commons principles of
(self-)organisation - because this principles are always political - a
call to change the code and the rules, when they block any action.
/text by Bojan Andjelkovic and Borut Savski/
Angela Fessl hat sich über das letzte Gerücht über Edgar Sorgo halb tot
lachen müssen.
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