[tonto-comics] CFP: International Comic Arts Fest 2006 (3/15/06; 10/12-14/06)
edda strobl
edda at mur.at
Di Jan 17 11:42:09 CET 2006
falls jemand lust hat, da was zu schreiben...
ich jedenfalls finde es sehr interessant, dass es doch auch ein
comic-theorie-festival gibt...
The Eleventh Annual
October 12-14, 2006
The Library of Congress, James Madison Building, Washington, D.C.
The International Comic Arts Festival invites scholarly paper presentations for
its eleventh annual meeting, to be held at the Madison Building of the Library
of Congress in Washington, D.C., from Thursday, October 12, through Saturday,
October 14, 2006. We welcome proposals from a variety of disciplines and
theoretical perspectives. All proposals should address the history, aesthetics,
cultural significance or critical reception of comic art (including comic
strips, comic books, albums, graphic novels, political cartoons, other panel
cartoons, caricature, or comics in electronic media).
Proposals will be refereed via blind review.
For its scholarly presentations, ICAF prefers argumentative, thesis-driven
papers, clearly linked to larger critical, artistic or cultural issues. We
strive to avoid presentations that are merely summative or survey-like in
character. Where possible, papers should be illustrated by relevant images (
e.g., slides, transparencies). In all cases, presentations should be timed to
finish within the strict limit of TWENTY (20) MINUTES (roughly eight to nine
typed, double-spaced pages).
Proposals should not exceed 300 WORDS. At the bottom of the proposal, the author
should precisely state her/his audiovisual equipment needs. Note that ICAF
cannot provide a VCR, freestanding DVD player, or monitor. Proposals requiring
computers or data projection equipment should include exact system
specifications. Presenters relying on computers are urged to bring their own
equipment for backup, including adaptors. (Though ICAF strives to meet basic
equipment needs, we cannot guarantee the availability or compatibility of
computer equipment.)
REVIEW PROCESS: All proposals will be subject to blind review by the ICAF
Executive Committee, with preference given to proposals that observe the above
standards. The final number of papers accepted will depend on the needs of the
conference program as it develops. (In past years ICAF has typically accepted
one third to one half of the proposals it has received.)
SEND ABSTRACTS (with COMPLETE contact information) BY March 15, 2006, TO:
Prof. Cécile Danehy
ICAF Program Coordinator
Department of French Studies
Wheaton College
26 Main Street
Norton, MA 02766 USA
or via email at <cdanehy at wheatoncollege.edu>.
Submitters should expect to receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection by 1
May 2006.
edda strobl|||leitnergasse 7|||8010 graz|||
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