[sat] fwd [pedruski at gmail.com: sats]

Reni Hofmueller reni at mur.at
Tue Apr 9 21:38:10 CEST 2013

hallo, leute!

pedro soler hat mich vor 1,5 jahren nach spanien eingeladen, und war
nun auf besuch bei dem mexikanischen projekt, das auch auf dem
IOSsystem basiert.

lest mal, ich find es ziemlich gut; er meinte auch, er findet unsre
idee zur mobilen groundstation (-> radl ) sehr coll :)

vielleicht passts ja für freitag auch ein bisschen.


----- Forwarded message from pedro <pedruski at gmail.com> -----



I, Pedro Soler, had a meeting a couple of weeks ago with the Colectivo
Espacial Mexicano in Mexico DF. Present were Marcela Armas, Gilberto
Esparza , Arcangel Constantini, Juan José Infante y Hugo Solis. The
collective is formed formally of 11 members but it seems that these 5 and
one or two more are the most active core. We drank wine and beer while we
discussed and some audiovisual registry was made.

I started the meeting by congratulating the Colectivo on their project and
then proceeded to read aloud the 2009
MSST<http://devolts.org/msst/?page_id=124> manifesto
(spanish version) and some extract from the 2013
I then talked about the importance of generating a new imaginary for space
and not repeating the same models.

This led to my criticism of the way that the project was presented in the
web - almost all male (10 of the 11 members) elite group of recognised
artists, reference to football teams and FIFA as a model - the worst of
nationalism, competition and injust economics. It seems that transfeminism
and postcolonialism have completely passed them by and they seek to
reproduce the same miserable models of exploitation and exclusion in space.

This led to various reactions, ranging from "its just a joke" to "none of
us like football really" to "we didnt expect anybody to read the website"
to "thank you so much for talking of this". They proposed to update their
website <http://www.ulises1.mx/Ulises_1/Inicio.html> which they have now
done (in spanish)

I then proceeded to introduce them to different artistic space initiative
existing in the world. I explained the project Orbitando Satelites (Spain)
and then concentrated especially on the Palestinian Space Agency (PS), the
African Space Research Agency (Uganda). Open Satelite Initivative (Korea),
mur.at (Austria) and the MSST (Brasil-Spain).

Juan Jose explained the complexity of the setting up of the project - he
participates in several high level comittees such as ATTICUS, Mexican Space
Agency etc. - and is offering his services to the artistic community.
However, I suggested that without a network of ground stations, without
relating the project to the earth, to other groups and to the idea of space
as a commons,  it would simply be an empty artistic gesture.

I thus recomended that some or all of the organisations mentioned and,
depending on their interest, could be invited to take part in the
monitoring process setting up groundstations which could be financed by the
Ulises 1 project as well as publishing a guide book on how to set up a DIY
low cost satelite receiver. This idea was well received by all present. We
mentioned a first tentative budget estimate of 5000 US$ to equip 5
groundstations and create the guidebook. The cost of maintaining a website
to share data would be apart. (The budget would need to be revised and

If you would like to take part in the UlisesI project, connecting earth to
heavens, receiving a listening kit (radio, antenna etc) and building
together an artistic non-aligned space network you would need to send a
letter expressing your interest in ULises1, the satelite project of the
Colectivo Mexicano Espacial and to take part creating a grounstation and
describing your Space Agency or Initiative or Movement.

If you are not interested in setting up a groundstation or participating in
other ways it would be interesting at least to send a letter of support to
the Colectivo in which you also explain your initiative.

You should address your letter to Juan José Infante and the Colectivo
Espacial Mexicano. jdiazinfante (at) altamiracave.com

For example :

Dear Juan José Infante and the Colectivo Espacial Mexicano,

We were very excited to hear of the project initiated by Colectivo Espacial
Mexicano of sending an artistic satelite into space in 2013/2014. We would
be very interested to participate in the project and begin to build a
transnational postcolonial space commons.

.... (A paragraph or 2 about your project including URLs) ....

Best wishes

----- End forwarded message -----

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