[sat] no using of mursat-material without checking back with us

Reni Hofmueller reni at mur.at
Tue Sep 25 09:16:21 CEST 2012

Good morning, all!

Peter Zurk, one of our active team members, just forwarded me the
september issue of "geospatial TODAY".
With great pleasure did I read about all sorts of projects on Neptune
And with great surprise did I see that you used the mursat team's
rendering of our current version of the satellite without any
reference where it comes from.

I did not think that this would be necesary, but now I do it:
this material was given to you for technical reasons to check back
with us, if we can actually go on with this development and stil
launch from your rocket.
It was never meant to be nor given to you for any other purpose than

Now, while I agree that the rendering is clear and beautiful (a lot
of work went into it), I do not agree that you simply use it and not
even mention the source, i.e. the project and the people who did it.
The idea behind free hard- and software, and all Open Source Projects,
is to give all that kind of information, to give credit.

with best regards
Reni Hofmüller

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