[sat] [werner.balogh at unoosa.org: United Nations/Japan Long-term Fellowship Programme on Nano-Satellite Technologies 2013]

Jogi Hofmüller jogi at mur.at
Thu Dec 6 10:30:57 CET 2012


We would greatly appreciate it if you would forward this information to
anyone who might be interested in this opportunity!

Mach ich doch glatt :)


----- Forwarded message from Werner BALOGH <werner.balogh at unoosa.org> -----

From: Werner BALOGH <werner.balogh at unoosa.org>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012 16:13:42 +0100
Subject: United Nations/Japan Long-term Fellowship Programme on Nano-Satellite Technologies 2013

Dear colleagues,

Please find attached below information for the 2013 round of selection for
the United Nations/Japan Long-term Fellowship Programme on Nano-Satellite
Technologies "Post-graduate study on Nano-Satellite Technologies" (PNST)
offered under the framework of the Basic Space Technology Initiative (BSTI)
of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would forward this information to
anyone who might be interested in this opportunity!

For the latest information on the activities of the Basic Space Technology
Initiative (BSTI) please see

With best wishes for the coming holiday season and for 2013,
Werner Balogh

PS: Apologies in case you receive this message more than once.


United Nations/Japan Long-term Fellowship Programme on Nano-Satellite
Technologies 2013

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and the Government of
Japan in cooperation with the Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) have
established a United Nations/Japan Long-term Fellowship Programme on
Nano-Satellite Technologies for nationals of developing countries or
countries with economy in transition. The Programme will provide extensive
research opportunities in nano-satellite systems through the use of the
nano-satellite development and testing facilities available at KIT.

Every year this "Post-graduate study on Nano-Satellite Technologies (PNST)"
Fellowship Programme will accept up to two students in the Masters course
(2 years duration) and up to four students in the Doctorate course (3 years
duration). Successful participants will be awarded a master or doctorate
degree after successful thesis defence.

The selected applicants will each receive a grant under Japanese government
(Mobukagakusho: MEXT) scholarship (Research Students) of about 145,000 yen
per month for the duration of their fellowship study (2 or 3 years) to
cover housing, food, local transportation, and other expenses (actual
scholarship amount is subject to change). Each candidate will be provided,
according to his/her itinerary and route as designated by MEXT, an economy
class air ticket between an international airport in the country of his/her
nationality and Narita International Airport or Fukuoka International
Airport. Fees for matriculation, tuition and entrance examinations will be
paid by KIT.

Applications for the Fellowship Programme will be accepted until 28
February 2013.

Application Requirements

Applicants should
      Be nationals of developing countries or countries with economy in
      Be duly nominated by their institutions;
      Born on or after 2 April 1978;
      Candidates seeking a Master degree are expected to have completed
      studies ending with a Bachelor Degree or equivalent (4 years
      university degree) in engineering-related subjects. Candidates
      seeking a Doctorate degree are expected to have completed studies
      ending with a Master Degree or equivalent (5 years university degree)
      in engineering-related subjects. Degrees in different technological
      fields can be considered by the Doctor Commission; and
      Be able to make professional use of the experience gained in the
      fellowship programme.

The application forms and further information on the Fellowship Programme
are available from the BSTI website at

Dr. Werner Balogh
Programme Officer - Basic Space Technology
Space Applications Section
Office for Outer Space Affairs (OOSA)
United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV)
E-0963, PO Box 500, 1400 Vienna, Austria
Tel.:        (+43-1) 26060-4952
Fax:        (+43-1) 26060-7-4952
Email:     werner.balogh at unoosa.org
Website: www.unoosa.org

----- End forwarded message -----

j.hofmüller                                http://users.mur.at/thesix/
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