[Sat] [ios at interorbital.com: Re: launch date for TubeSat]
Jogi Hofmüller
jogi at mur.at
Tue Jun 15 19:30:23 CEST 2010
Hey folks,
Hab grad eine Nachricht von IOS bekommen und die will ich Euch nicht
vorenthalten :)
Ich schick meine Antwort Cc an die Liste und bitte IOS um selbiges, so
das alle mitkriegen, was hier läuft.
----- Forwarded message from ios at interorbital.com -----
From: ios at interorbital.com
Reply-to: ios at interorbital.com
To: Jogi Hofmüller <jogi at mur.at>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 07:45:26 -0800
Subject: Re: launch date for TubeSat
Sender: cyberplex at antelecom.net
Priority: normal
Hello Jogi!
We are very pleased to hear that you will join us on the
first launch. What type of payload will you be sending? Will
it be a space art project? We currently have a music/space
science satellite project booked on the launch manifest. I
would definitely like to see more participation from the
arts sector, since many of our rocket team are also artists
and musicians.
Our first orbital launch is scheduled for late March of
2011. To give an exact date is impossible, due to
unpredictable weather and logistical issues, but we are
arranging all regulatory and licensing for that time frame.
Our series of test launches will begin this summer here in
the Mojave Desert.
It will take you several months to build your satellite. You
should begin work on it as soon as possible. Please let me
know when you would like to order it , and I will personally
expedite it. Thanks!
Best from the West,
Randa Milliron, CEO/CoFounder
Interorbital Systems
----- Original Message Follows -----
From: Jogi Hofmüller <jogi at mur.at>
To: ios at interorbital.com
Subject: launch date for TubeSat
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 13:58:22 +0200
>Dear IOS people,
>we are mur.at [1], a small, not-for profit organisation in
>the arts field that is located in Graz/Austria. We plan to
>buy a TubeSat kit soon. We expect the launch of our own
>satellite somewhen in 2011. Before launching it, we will
>have a public presentation (exhibiton) of the satellite
>here in Graz somewhen at the end of 2010.
>It would be great to join our exhibition with the first
>launch of your N30 rocket! So I am asking when the exact
>launch date will be published or if you could let us know
>the date as soon as it's fixed.
>We would also be very interested in any kind of multimedia
>material you could provide so we could integrate this into
>our exhibition.
>[1] our website: http://mur.at/
>[Attachment: jogi at mur.at.sig]
Interorbital Systems
PO Box 662, Mojave, CA 93502-0662
Cellular: 661.965.0771 (preferred)
Lab/Fax: 661.824.1662
ios at interorbital.com or cyberplex at aol.com
Websites: www.interorbital.com and www.translunar.org
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