*RH-92.6* [antiwef-salzburg] medienzentrum (fwd)
Diestler Gudrun
zille at gewi.kfunigraz.ac.at
Tue May 29 12:04:57 CEST 2001
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 15:32:45 -0000
From: Ronja Räubertochter <raeuberin at hotmail.com>
Reply-To: antiwef-salzburg at yahoogroups.com
To: indymedia_austria at yahoogroups.com, antiwef-salzburg at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [antiwef-salzburg] medienzentrum
also, es gibt da neuigkeiten, die vielleicht ein paar von euch
interessieren, hoff ich zumindest:
global solidarity - international
invitation for cooperation
radiofabrik salzburg is one of nine non-commercial communityradios in
for theworld economic forum, taking place in salzburg from 1st to 3rd of
june, we offer independent journalists from all over the world to use our
infrastructureand invite them to work with us.
alternative journalists who cannot come to salzburg have the opportunity to
download information, audio- and video productions from our web server
especially put up from the wef.
we will according to your demands!! let us know how much time and/or space
you willprobably need-until 30th of may (15th of june by the latest).
that makes organizing the event a lot easier for us!
already planned are:
daily news (audio and video) about what is happening outside the official
programe-"off records"-,roughly 15 minutes in various languages (depending
on international participation!!!)
providing yo with our infrastructure such as working space and editing rooms
(samplitude, wave, www, ...). professional support when needed.
information office-actions, activities, ..
internet radio live on www.radiofabrik.at
radio- and mediaworkshop between the 29th of june and the 3rd of july.
roaming salzburg in small groups will help you get to know salburg during
the wef-technical know-how for the production of contributions for the
medium radio and journalistic techniques will be acquired during this
time-including live coverage,news, features,wef-comedy,behind the scenes
please send your feedback, questions, requests and registration to
w.rettenbacher at radiofabrik.at
until the 30th of may
also, wenn ihr noch fragen habt, wisst ihr ja jetzt, wo melden, klingt,
finde ich, fürs erste ziemlich okay!!!
eure ronja
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