[KiG-presse] KiG! Kultur in Graz im Dezember
verwaltung at kig.mur.at
Tue Nov 15 11:41:02 CET 2016
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/beste Grüße, Anita Hofer/
/Rückfragen: *Kultur in Graz / *Lagergasse 98A / 8010 Graz / 0316/
720267 / office at kig.mur.at <mailto:office at kig.mur.at>/
*Daichi Yoshikawa & Samo Kutin @ Winterschluss WeiFei*
Kultur in Graz, Interpenetration, mur.at und andere...*
Di, 20.12.Y016 - Daichi Yoshikawa & Samo Kutin @ Winterschluss WeiFei*
*Samo Kutin*, born in 1982, is known for his use of unconventional
instruments, be it instruments that have already disappeared from
everyday use or sound-making contraptions that feature strings, wood,
pumpkins, stone, glass and waste material. One of the traditional
instruments in his repertoire is the Hungarian medieval stringed
instrument hurdy gurdy, which he can be seen playing on the streets of
Ljubljana or at events of experimental and improvised music. He
organises children’s workshops, makes music for storytelling and theatre
performances and is a member of a number of formations, including Samo
Gromofon, Salamandra salamandra, Najoua, Horda grdih, Širom.
When it comes to non-idiomatic improvisation, Samo has been exploring at
length in recent years the sound and noise potential of the hurdy gurdy.
He has been using effective accessories with the instrument and
amplifying it in a convincing manner with intentional roughness with the
help of contact microphones and acoustic resonators such as springs and
water tanks. One could say that it is above all the use of contact
microphones that helps him scan and bring to the surface the processes
taking place in the “guts” of the instrument, while the direct physical
methods allow him to cause and locate previously unknown frictions.
Based in Berlin and London,
cyclist and artist *Daichi Yoshikawa* is interested in the spaces we can
construct together through the intensities of live performance.
His practice is feedback.His work is the push and pull of extremes:
pitch, volume and gesture.
Dienstag, 20.Dezember 2016
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Konzert: 20:00
*Wo? *
Baustelle Kultur in Graz
Lagergasse 98A // Küche im 2. Stock
/Photo by Kud Mreza/
marufura fufunjiru
KiG - Kultur in Graz
Lagergasse 98
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