**H-I-T** Lecture: "Presence of Absence" | Michele A. Feder-Nadoff | 23.01.2025

projekt.kulturanthropologie, VOKU (projekt.kulturanthropologie@uni-graz.at) projekt.kulturanthropologie at uni-graz.at
Mo Jan 13 10:14:10 CET 2025

The Department of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology at the University of Graz invites you to the fourth seminar of this year's seminar series "Anthropologies of Skill and Making":

Michele A. Feder-Nadoff (New York)
Presence of Absence:
An Anthropology of Making in Santa Clara del Cobre

Thursday, 23.01.2025, 7pm (CET)
Online via Zoom (no registration necessary):
Meeting-ID: 639 4224 0668
Kenncode: 608629

Artist and anthropologist, Michele Feder-Nadoff will share key concepts of an anthropology of making as they emerged in her long-term fieldwork as an apprentice to the master coppersmith, Maestro Jesús Pérez Ornelas (1924-2014) and his sons in Santa Clara del Cobre, Michoacán, Mexico. Drawing from her recent monograph she will discuss how through this mentorship she learned not just how to hammer a copper artifact, but what it meant "to be" an artisan in this traditional mestizo rural artisanal community. Making creates persons, places and things, she discovered, but also can become a method of hope and human agency.

Michele A. Feder-Nadoff is Independent Scholar, Artist and Anthropologist as well as Assistant editor of the Journal of Embodied Research.

More information: https://kulturanthropologie.uni-graz.at/de/science-public/
We are looking forward to your participation!


Hanna Wäger, MA
Office Management | Forschungskoordination
Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie
Universität Graz
Attemsgasse 25/I, 8010 Graz
Tel.: +43(0)316 380-2592
projekt.kulturanthropologie at uni-graz.at<mailto:projekt.kulturanthropologie at uni-graz.at>
hanna.waeger at uni-graz.at<mailto:hanna.waeger at uni-graz.at>

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