**H-I-T** Lecture: "Rhythms of Bangles, Rhythms of Buns" | Katharina Oke | 05.12.2024

projekt.kulturanthropologie, VOKU (projekt.kulturanthropologie@uni-graz.at) projekt.kulturanthropologie at uni-graz.at
Do Nov 28 13:34:59 CET 2024

The Department of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology at the University of Graz invites you to the third seminar of this year's seminar series "Anthropologies of Skill and Making":

Katharina Oke (Graz)
Rhythms of Bangles, Rhythms of Buns:
Goldsmiths and Bakers, Temporalities and World Orders in Lagos and Accra, ca. 1940s-1980s

Thursday, 05.12.2024, 11.45am to 1.15pm (CET)
SR 34.04 (Attemsgasse 25/EG, 8010 Graz)
as well as online via Zoom (no registration necessary):
Meeting-ID: 639 4224 0668
Kenncode: 608629

This talk gives insight into research on practices of making by bakers and goldsmiths in Accra, Ghana, and Lagos, Nigeria. It seeks to highlight how bringing different, co-existing rhythms and modes of production into conversation can give insight into the ways in which practitioners navigate and come to terms with the interplay of existing world orders and customer demands. The talk also turns to rhythms emanating from world orders, seasonal fluctuations in customer demand, craftspersons' conceptions of time and how work and craft practices structure everyday life.

Katharina A. Oke is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow at the University of Graz, Austria and the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

More information: https://kulturanthropologie.uni-graz.at/de/science-public/
We are looking forward to your participation!


Hanna Wäger, MA
Office Management | Forschungskoordination
Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie
Universität Graz
Attemsgasse 25/I, 8010 Graz
Tel.: +43(0)316 380-2592
projekt.kulturanthropologie at uni-graz.at<mailto:projekt.kulturanthropologie at uni-graz.at>
hanna.waeger at uni-graz.at<mailto:hanna.waeger at uni-graz.at>

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