**H-I-T** [Interpenetration] Heute Rock Is Hell label night u.v.m. bei Interpenetration im Wakuum
chmafu nocords
chmafu at nocords.net
Mi Sep 18 08:36:44 CEST 2013
chmafu nocords (http://nocords.net) newsletters
Konzertreihe (http://interpenetration.net)18.09.2013
Label Nights:
Rock Is Hell
(live: The Striggles)
Interpenetration’s Summer Brake:
Cameron Deas
Million Brazilians
Club Wakuum
Hans Sachs Gasse 12
8010 Graz
Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: http://interpenetration.net
99+98+97+96+95+4+3+2+1=400 weil nichts da ist, das man zu 95
dazuzählen könnte!
Cameron Deas
born and now based in London, has been exploring a so-called
‘Post-Takoma’ terrain through his 12 string acoustic guitar
explorations, working between composition and free-improvisation
employing a legion of extended techniques. His last solo full length
album, Quadtych, was hailed as ‘a major UK guitar statement’ by
David Keenan (Volcanic Tongue/The Wire) and ‘a quantum step forward
after a decade of Fahey acolytion’ by Keith Fullerton Whitman. For
the past 5 years Deas has toured heavily
across Europe, performing
hundreds of concerts. He has been heard collaborating in the studio
and live with the likes of Steffen Basho-Junghans, Ignatz, Chie Mukai,
Jack Allett, Sheldon Siegel, C. Joynes, Chuck Johnson and many others.
This tour will see Deas further his sonic exploration of the 12
string acoustic guitar, using it as a sculptural wooden frame to an
electronic music. The exploratory acoustic sounds will be processed
and manipulated through a series of analogue synthesis patches to
create evolving sonic environments, through a structurally composed
part-improvisation, manifesting in dense harmonic and resonant
textures, uncurbed percussive attacks and swirling rhythmic patterns
in an attempt to connect the sound worlds of Takoma-school guitar and
electro-acoustic music in a purely live situation.
Million Brazilians
Portland-based MILLION BRAZILIANS have captured the Pacific Coast and
international imagination through exemplified experimental
collaboration to the greatest with works that seem to drift between
boundless compositions and focused, energetic improvisations. Patient
execution and tone-bending, a-cultural elements add strange shades
perfectly complementing to the trances fusing strong individual
contributions and energetic interplay through a range of secret jazz,
dangerously unassuming drone that embrace a weird sort of
transcendence rotating between the endless grooves of a etheric sound
sculpting and the boundless creativity of krautrock.
The Brazilians early days constantly moved between free jazz, drone,
and psychedelic music 'like a Curtis Mayfield jam meets a Raga' as
heard on their Psychic Sounds label release "Hideous Visions of
Million Brazilians; or layering of loops, flutes,
percussion, ghostly wails, and knife sharpening as featured on their
acoustic Guatemalan influenced Folkways style album of witchcraft,
"Cult Music of Ajitz". Shifting into the "New Ideas in Psychic
Music" volumes I + II built on these early experiments however
adorning a doom-drift configuration that is as spooky as it is
hypnotic offering continual freak jazz that devolves into spoken word
before diving back into a psychedelic murky sonic brew mode of
operation as heard on Sonic Meditation label release of "Sexual
After 5 American tours, a special series of hosted evenings of
experimental sound at the Psychic Sounds Research compound opened the
door for the “Dungeon Jazz Ceremony Nights” era creating the
recipe of steady grooves for the percussion and amped-up bass built
trance inducing terrain fit for the mysterious instrumentation of
keys, sax and distorted wind interplay, as heard on Friends and
Relatives Records label release of "Dyngia Salon" and
Moon Glyph label
release of "Dyngia Nomad".
As its members have incarnated into a variety of solid explorations
like WHITE GOURD, CORUM's Beguiling Isles or Fake Hospital projects,
together once again to redefine the etheric body of Million
Now, the Million Brazilian's have announced the incoming Wet Dry
Jungala album as their "inner primordial current channeling the drum
n' brass pulse in an attempt to work an initiation ritual by intuitive
interaction through cross-world artifacts evolving into sound forms of
the future envisioned as a the original Jungle plane of ever present,
dangerous gameplay.''
Interpenetration website (http://interpenetration.net)
chmafu nocords auf youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/marufura)
<a href="mailto:office at dieeintrittskarte.at">
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