Lillian Christian
info.lillianchristian at gmail.com
Sa Mär 9 11:38:48 CET 2013
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of California Human Right Foundation CHRF USA, It is a
great privilege for us to invite you to the global Congress meeting against
Economic Crisis, Child Protection & HIV/AIDS Treatment, Prostitution, Sex
Work and forced Labor. The aims of the conference are to bring together
researchers and practitioners in an effort to lay the ground work for
future collaborative research, advocacy, and program development as well as
to educate social service, health care, and criminal justice professionals
on human trafficking and the needs and risks of those victimized by the
commercial sex industry.
The global Congress meeting against Economic Crisis, Child Protection &
HIV/AIDS Treatment, Prostitution, Sex Work and forced Labor, is scheduled
to take place from May 20th – 23rd 2013 in California the United States and
in Madrid Spain, from May 26th – 29th of May 2013. The global congress is
hosted by the Campaign against Child Labor Coalition and sponsored by (The
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The William J. Clinton Foundation and
other benevolent donors worldwide.
Objectives of the Conference are.
1. To educate people the effect of child trafficking
2. To serve as a resource to the public and advocates by providing valuable
information about other initiatives working to address human Trafficking
sex trafficking
3. To provide rehabilitation services to victims.
4. To encourage policy at local and national levels that will contribute to
reducing human trafficking
5. To provide insight in the activities in the field of science and policy
6. To build a platform of knowledge at an international level;
For more information contact the conference organizing committee via
e-mail: Olivia.alexander at contractor.net
Mrs Lillian Christian
E-mail: info.lillianchristian at gmail.com
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