**H-I-T** COTN - diesen Freitag @ Forum Keller
office at disko404.org
Do Mär 12 00:21:23 CET 2009
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New *Tetsuo* & *El Rakkas* Mix online!
*Oldskull *video soon on disko404 TV <http://www.youtube.com/disko404>
*Freitag, 13. März 2009 / Forum Keller, Graz*
/deep pulsating waves of dubstep and techno/
*Sigha *[hotflush two / medium | london - uk]*
Ca.tter *[dubsquare / temp~ | wien]*
Sci-Fi Trackers */live/* *[dubsquare / temp~ | wien]
*El Rakkas *[echodub / cotn | graz]*
Feelipa *[disko404 / cotn | zagraz]*
*AK: 4 EUR <24h> 6 EUR
*Sigha*'s combination of cavernous soundscapes and stoically
forward-skanking beats happens to be pretty much at the edge of
dubstep/minimal-crossover, which has become so popular over the past
years. Musical influences come from artists such as Shed, Marcel
Dettmann, and Pole, as well as dubstep masters Martyn and 2562. With his
debut release on Hotflush Two he delivers a brilliantly executed
realisation of Minimalism without resorting to clich'ed effects. His
ostensibly calm and fragile productions turn out to be hitting
dancefloors ultra-hard once they're played on a big system.
Originally coming from Experimental/Techno, *Ca.tter* first attracted
attention as one third of 550 Rondy and their 2001 release on Vienna's
legendary Cheap Entertainment imprint, with two more EPs subsequently
following on temp~records. In 2004 however, Catarina Pratter's first
solo-release came out on Berlin-based label SueMi, contributions to
Gudrun Gut's Monika Enterprise and Electric Indigo's Female Pressure
Compilations followed. Being strongly infected by Dubstep, Catarina
Pratter's productions started to embrace a newly found darkness around
2006, with 4x4 schemes being steadily abandoned. As she returns as
Ca.tter in 2008, her roots are still clearly audible not least in form
of a endlessly skanking hi-head, while the structure of her sounds has
immersed into the infinite darkness of bass-culture.
Ausreichend verzweifelt ueber den ewiggleichen minimalkram, ausgeruestet
mit gruenem tee, einer passablen espressomaschine (2 heizkreise),
diversen alkoholika und SuperCollider - dem schweizer-messer fuer
computermusik - ueberlassen Christoph Kummerer und Martin Stepanek (aka
*Sci-Fi Trackers*) den maschinen die trivialen probleme um sich selbst
ganz den interessanten aspekten des funcStep zu widmen. Dark - aber nie
ohne augenzwinkern, detroit - weil's so schoen ist, fett - obwohl man
das nicht mehr sagt und reverbtails wie ein salto vom 10er. Und dann
meinte ueber die beiden das magazin fuer elektronische lebensaspekte
de:bug bereits 2000: "...(natürlich um Meilen besser als die ganzen
eingebildeten Engländer)...".
17.04.2009 - *COTN *w/ Shackleton, Bitz and more @ TBA
15.05.2009 - *disko404* w/ Ghislain Poirier, Taliesin and more @
absolutely free festival (Joanneum)
10.06.2009 - *big MAMA* pres. Various Production, Ekkehard Ehlers, Mimu
and more @ absolutely free festival (Joanneum)
check: http://www.absolutely-free.at
more info´s to come......
your disko
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