**H-I-T** COTN # 6 - diesen Freitag @ Schaumbad
office at disko404.org
Do Apr 16 09:47:10 CEST 2009
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New *Bitz*** Mix online!
*Oldskull *video online: disko404 TV <http://www.youtube.com/disko404>
*Freitag, 17. April 2009 / Schaumbad, Graz*
/bass driven minimalism/
*Shackleton* [skull disco / perlon / mordant music / crosstown rebels |
Bitz* [houseverbot / dangerous tweakers | graz]*
Element012 *[stubenmusicstudio | graz]*
El Rakkas *[echodub / cotn | graz]*
Feelipa *[disko404 / cotn | zagraz]*
B.L.O.* [disko404 / cotn | graz]*
- Crisis Prices
- Ginko Food* bis 4h morgens*
- Gratis MAKAvA Shuttlebus *vom Kunsthaus Graz (alle 15 Minuten)**
* *Alle Geshuttelten erhalten 1 MAKAvA um 1 Euro!
*AK: 5 EUR <24h> 7 EUR
*Shackleton*'s maverick take on big basslines and complex beats doesn't
fit into easy categories and that's how it's going to stay. Shackleton
has been carving out his own brand of eclecticism on Skull Disco
releases so far with intricate, snaking percussion, hypnotic melodies,
seriously deep bass lines and dubwise sensibilities. Beside that he's
running the Skull Disco label with Appleblim.
Skull Disco releases often tended to use unusual sounds, atypical of the
dubstep genre; they often eschew the familiar drum tropes of dubstep for
African percussion and samples of ethnic vocals, combined with massive
sub-bass, and sometimes elements of four to the floor Basic
Channel-style dub techno. Some tracks (particularly later Shackleton
releases) carry a strong Muslimgauze influence. Minimal techno producer
Ricardo Villalobos is a fan; he produced a nearly twenty-minute remix of
Shackleton's Blood on my Hands after expressing an interest and being
handed the core samples of the song at a DJ set. Shackleton has returned
the favour by remixing Minimoonstar from Villalobos' Vasco EP Part 1.
http://www.skulldisco.com <http://www.skulldisco.com>
In 2001 *Bitz* began DJing in Graz and founded the Houseverbot label in
2002. Around that time he started promoting parties together with fellow
mates F. Puschmann and Clara Moto with Minimal Housing at Kunsthaus Graz
and plenty of events in Sub. After that the busy Houseverbot crew
started promoting the legendary Birds party series at Postgarage
together with the Soundsilo Crew. 2003 marked the beginning of Bitz as a
Techno / House / Electronica producer. Nowadays he's also part of the
Dangerous Tweakers production outfit together with pianist Martin
Riegelnegg & Bogdanovic whichs sound can be described as post-minimalist
techno with a hint of deep house and a breeze of funk.
Als Gründer von Projekten wie stubenmusicstudio.com, lofi deathstar und
barcodeterror prod., veröffentlichte *Element012* seit 1999 mehr als 10
konzeptionelle Alben und auf einigen Samplern wie disko404’s ottotto
oder dem fm4 Soundpark Sampler Microtonner.
Seit 2003 ist er ein Resident DJ des wöchentlichen Sonntags Abstrakt.
Die Musik von Element012 lässt sich irgendwo zwischen Noise, HipHop,
Abstract Dub und Breakbeat einordnen.
http://www.myspace.com/element012 <http://www.myspace.com/element012>
15.05.2009 - *disko404* w/ *Ghislain Poirier, Taliesin* and more @
absolutely free festival (Joanneum)
26.05.2009 - *Wide Open Eyes Shut & big MAMA *pres. *Ben Frost & Ben
Frost & Valgeir Sigurðsson *and more @ Forum Stadtpark
10.06.2009 - *big MAMA* pres. *Various Production, Ekkehard Ehlers,
Mimu* and more @ absolutely free festival (Joanneum)
check: http://www.absolutely-free.at
more info´s to come......
your disko
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