**H-I-T** SERIAL CASES_Video Screening Program
rotor at mur.at
Mi Nov 9 01:42:25 CET 2005
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+ + + < rotor > in Holon, Sofia, Novi Sad, Istanbul,
+ + + Usti nad Labem, Zagreb, Graz
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>> SERIAL CASES_01 Acquaintance
The first stage of Serial Cases will be presented throughout November 2005 -
March 2006 as an exchange Video Screening Program in eight different cities.
The expansion of the geographical boundaries of the network of the Middle
East and South and Eastern Europe has the potential to reveal additional
modes of information about the regions.
+ + + Screeningstart: Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 8 pm
+ + + The Israeli Center for Digital Art Lab, Holon
+ + + 16, Yirmyahu st., Holon
+ + + http://www.nomad-tv.net/serial_cases/
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The curators of the project are Matei Bejenaru (Iasi, Romania), Eyal Danon
(Holon, Israel), Galia Dimitrova (Sofia, Bulgaria), Michal Kolecek (Usti nad
Labem, Czech Republic), Antonia Majaca (Zagreb, Croatia), Margarethe Makovec
and Anton Lederer (Graz, Austria), Basak Senova (Istanbul, Turkey), Orfeas
Skutelis and Branka Curcic (Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro).
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Serial Cases_1 Acquaintance is a joint project of ten curators from eight
countries. The collaboration amongst these curators was started with the MSE
(Middle and South-Eastern Europe) meeting organized by < rotor > in Graz
during steirisc[:her:] herbst 2004. The idea was shaped by examining ways of
collaboration and communication based on mutual experiences shared through
art works. Since cultural exchange amongst different geographies can expose
similar experiences and parallel histories, critical and significant cases
may solely be traced in the course of "specific" art works. Such works
evidently inhabit "communicative aspects" and therefore, have the potential
to propose alternative channels to any kind of global communication medium
for receiving and sharing information. This project aims to detect such
works and to construct links between various geographies through exceptional
discoveries. (text by Eyal Danon and Basak Senova)
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Digital post production of the project was coordinated by
Eyal Danon of Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon.
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< rotor > is supported by:
BKA, Land Steiermark, Stadt Graz
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< rotor > association for contemporary art
Peinlichgasse 14, 8010 Graz, Austria
Phone + Fax +43 316 688 306
rotor at mur.at
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