[gottrekorder] Invitation

contact at gottrekorder.com contact at gottrekorder.com
Sa Mai 8 00:30:13 CEST 2021


You're most welcome !


Exhibition held at Galerientage 2021
by Robert Gruber in cooperation with
Kathrin Hanga & Manfred Stocker

works by
Laura Hatting
Bianca Phos
Markus Proschek
Almut Reichenbach
& works from the collection and the collective

opening 14.05.2021 / 17:00 - 20:00
15.05. - 28.06.2021
tuesday 11:00 - 13:00
by appointment +43 650 555 9 666

"Hic rident, quibus nihil riderest
/ Hier lachen, die nichts zu lachen haben",
allusion to "La tentation de Saint Antoine" - Félicien Rops

www.gottrekorder.com <http://www.gottrekorder.com>

*COVID-19 prevention:*It is required to wear an FFP2 mask during the 
visit. Please keep a distance of at least 2 meters from other visitors. 
We kindly ask you to disinfect your hands when entering and exiting the 
building, disinfectants are provided.

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