[CryptoParty] Hacking for Culture & Science - a Hackathon for increasing the visibility of cultural and scientific resources
Sebastian Dennerlein
sebastian.dennerlein at gmail.com
Do Sep 3 15:47:38 CEST 2015
Hallo beisammen,
es gibt einen netten Hackathon auf der diesjährigen iKNOW. Vielleicht gibt
es bei euch auch Interessierte an der tollen Initiative teilzuhaben!
Hacking for Culture & Science - a Hackathon for increasing the visibility of
cultural and scientific resources
Join us on a mission to improve the distribution of cultural and scientific
resources! ‘Hacking for Culture & Science’ is a hacking event with the goal
to create new ways for disseminating cultural and scientific resources in
the Web. It is organised by the EU funded project EEXCESS. EEXCESS has
developed privacy preserving, federated recommender technology plus
web-based visual clients in order to find new ways to recommend cultural and
scientific content to interested people. It currently provides an access
point to over 25 million digital objects such as resources from Wikipedia or
Europeana, the European aggregator of cultural heritage resources.
Now we are seeking YOU, talented people interested in showing your skills,
ideas and creativity on how to utilize those digital objects and improve
their distribution in the World Wide Web. It is an important mission to give
people the ability for getting in touch with high quality cultural and
scientific resources. It is not a commercial mission, but a societal mission
to disseminate our cultural heritage and scientific facts for educational
purposes. So join us for getting this mission done! In case you got
interested and want to get involved right now, you are invited to join our
Open Source Community on Github under <https://github.com/EEXCESS>
https://github.com/EEXCESS or see what we have done so far by installing the
EEXCESS Chrome Extension available in the Chrome Web Store.
Why should I participate?
Hacking has not only a technical dimension, but also a social one. You will
get in touch with interesting, like-minded people, jointly work on
interesting ideas and learn about coding meanwhile. At the end of the three
days, one resulting idea will be voted, announced and rewarded within the
closing of the conference!
The Hackathon is located at the famous i-KNOW conference and participants
get the unique opportunity to participate in the conference for free, enjoy
the keynotes and the conference’s atmosphere. And by luck AND your talent,
you’ll be discovered and get an interesting job offer alongside the
conference. But most important: There will be plenty of food and drinks
including cool evening events!
What will we do at the Hackathon?
There are several possible routes for engaging with EEXCESS on the
Hackathon, in particular you can
· develop new federated retrieval algorithms that distribute queries
to web-APIs and aggregate their results
· integrate new Web APIs that interests you
· develop new visualisations showing the interesting patterns in
cultural and scientific resources
· work on new clients that exploit EEXCESS web-API for the
environment you are currently working on
· come up with a marketing strategy or a business model of how to
attract more attention to the EECXESS project or platform
· ..or gather your own idea. Feel free!
Depending on your project idea, you should have decent programming
experience in the language of your choice. For projects enhancing the system
itself knowledge of Java and/or Javascript will be needed.
However, you can also apply for the Hackathon, if you are skilled in
sketching, mock upping, marketing, creating business models or designing and
have basic understanding of programming.
The EEXCESS hackathon team
When and where will the Hackathon happen?
The Hackathon takes place from 20 - 22 October at the I-KNOW 2015 Conference
in the Messe Congress Graz, Graz, Austria. It is a 3 day event starting with
a tutorial on EEXCESS and its technology and a brief introduction of
potential routes you can go in those three days.
How can I apply for the Hackathon?
We can just offer a limited amount of participants the chance to take part
in the event. So, be quick and register via
<mailto:eexcess-hackathon at know-center.at> eexcess-hackathon at know-center.at!
You will be notified until the 4th of October !
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