[ connected-05 ] text back

vita.zgur at guest.arnes.si vita.zgur at guest.arnes.si
Tue Aug 9 15:26:24 CEST 2005


it is good to have in mind the point of both - to explain what we've
been doing more general - all the discussions/meetings (this part i
think it would be good that is done by you at least in english and
i'll translate)... BUT still explain all projects separately because
everybody should be able to understand what they are looking at. it
will already be strange for them to see all this so i feel it's good
at least from my point of view to explain. but i agree with you. 

here is our text - i will correct it a little bit more (rhiannon and
julij are not here and they also have to say if they agree with it)but
something like that:

Julij, Rhiannon, Mauritz and Vita from Art Center Središče tried to
connect Art Center with Forum Stadpark from Graz, which is also an art
center but a little different. We decided to make 6 different videos
in one: we wanted to show you how the drive to Graz and Središče looks
like, how the two buildings look, what kind of things artists produce
here and there. We wanted to show you that eventhough they are were
different – one is placed in the city and one on the countryside –
that there is something that connects us: maybe art. On two screens
there is text trying to explain what we think about art (and these two
places?). The projection of the video takes place on tables in
firemen's house, so that you can sit around the table, eat gibanica,
drink špricer, talk and watch our work. In this way we tried to mix
existing two artcenters and what we as artists do with you all – to
just show it to if you want to see it.  

i already explained what we are doing in bar at hodoš last time we
were there drinking špricer with pec and dominique.

i think we will have to transform (or just take out some parts) the
text from nicole because it is difficult to understand - and use words
that you don't have to look up in the dictionary.

anyway - here is really a lot of work because of building and
arranging everything that people need and want. my thoughts right now
are - people are acting like babies and we don't have time for babies
right now. 

reporting from AC,


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