+comunity+ [ml] Fwd: composition competition
Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka
margarethe at mur.at
Mo Jul 2 14:44:27 CEST 2018
Hallo liebe machine-learners,
wen es interessiert, mich hat gerade eine Ausschreibung für einen
Kompositionswettbewerb erreicht, der sich mit machine learning
beschäftigt. Allerdings muss man dabei ein spezielles tool verwenden,
das generative irische Volksmusik produziert... aber vielleicht
interessierts ja jemanden unter uns? :)
Liebe Grüße,
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: composition competition
Datum: Mon, 2 Jul 2018 05:37:51 +0000
Von: Ben-Tal, Oded <O.Ben-Tal at KINGSTON.AC.UK>
Antwort an: Ben-Tal, Oded <O.Ben-Tal at KINGSTON.AC.UK>
*Please feel free to disseminate this information to interested parties:*
*folk-rnn** composition competition <https://folkrnn.org/competition/>*
*The aim of this competition is to explore an application of machine
learning to music --- in particular the online tool at **folkrnn.org
<http://folkrnn.org/>**. *
*This model is an example of artificial intelligence **trained on
traditional tunes **mainly Irish and English**. The web interface allows
users to generate new melodies using a few parameters** (There's a video
on the website that explains how it works). **We are seeking works that
make creative use of this tool to compose new pieces, which do not need
to adhere to the idiom of the training material.**
**Submissions will be judged **on their musical quality and
the**ir** u**tilisation of outputs from folkrnn.org <http://folkrnn.org/>
**The winning piece** will be performed by a professional ensemble at a
public concert in London, UK, in early October 2018. **
**We welcome submissions from any composer without restriction of age or
nationality. Attendance at the concert is not mandatory. There is no
cost for submitting a work.**
**Rules for submitted works:**
**1. scored for any combination of the following instruments: flute,
clarinet, violin, cell**o**, and piano (only 1 each); no use of
amplification or electronic instruments is allowed;**
**2. no longer than 10 minutes in duration;**
**3. must be derived in some way from material generated by the
application at **folkrnn.org <http://folkrnn.org/>**
**4. must be accompanied by a written explanation of how the work comes
about from the use **artificial intelligence through**the **folkrnn.org
* **website. **Composers can also accompany the text with illustrations
(e.g. staff notation).**
**5. no restrictions on style, or the way the outputs from **folkrnn.org
* **are used;**
**Important dates:**
**- August 31 2018: Submission of PDF score and required accompanying
material by **email to **competition at folkrnn.org
<mailto:competition at folkrnn.org>** **
**- September 15 2018: Notification**
**- September 25 2018: Performance materials due**
**- October **9** 2018: Concert (London UK)**
**For more information about the technology, see the following:**
**If you have questions or comments, contact Dr. Oded
Ben-Tal: **o.ben-tal at kingston.ac.uk <mailto:o.ben-tal at kingston.ac.uk>*
Dr. Oded Ben-Tal
Senior Lecturer, Music Technology
Kingston University
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