+comunity+ homeland security
Jogi Hofmüller
jogi at mur.at
So Aug 11 12:17:54 CEST 2013
Am 2013-06-12 17:18, schrieb Gernot Tutner:
> Weiß jemand, ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt die Einreisebewilligung vorab
> zu checken? Oder verbaut man sich mit einer Anfrage sowieso gleich alles?
Hier mal, was das FBI dazu sagt:
"Can I find out if I am in the TSDB?
The TSC cannot reveal whether a particular person is in the TSDB. The
TSDB remains an effective tool in the government’s counterterrorism
efforts because its contents are not disclosed. If TSC revealed who was
in the TSDB, terrorist organizations would be able to circumvent the
purpose of the terrorist watchlist by determining in advance which of
their members are likely to be questioned or detained."
Aber auch:
"I have been told that I am on a terrorist watchlist by an airline
employee and I frequently have difficulty when I fly. Does this mean I
am in the TSDB?
No; however, an individual may be a “misidentified person.” A
misidentified person is someone who is experiencing a delay during
screening because they have a similar name to a person in the TSDB.
Misidentified persons are sometimes delayed while the government works
to distinguish them from the terrorist in the TSDB. Because these delays
are frustrating and inconvenient, there are several initiatives in
progress to help streamline the clearance process for misidentified
persons. If an individual believes he/she is having a misidentification
problem, he/she should contact the screening agency’s redress office for
"Why is the watchlist kept secret?
This is probably best answered by quoting an editorial that was
published in The Washington Post on July 14, 2010: “There are legitimate
law enforcement reasons for keeping the list secret: Disclosure of such
information would tip off known or suspected terrorists, who could then
change their habits or identities to escape government scrutiny.”"
Quelle: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/nsb/tsc/tsc_faqs
Und das alles, obwohl sich gut ausrechnen lässt, dass die gesamte Aktion
völlig daneben ist:
Mal sehen, wie die zwei US-Senator*innen reagieren, denen ich
geschrieben hab :)
Schönen Sonntag!
aka Thesix http://users.mur.at/thesix/
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