+comunity+ open call
ursprung at mur.at
Fr Aug 9 04:05:45 CEST 2013
liebe comunity,
hier ein call von Shu Lea Cheang in der Hoffnung auf Interesse:
As part of ARS ELECTRONICA NIGHTLINE 2013 presented by CAFE STROM &
UKI viral performance invites your participation.
Below is open call for noise coders -
UKI, a viral performance (70:00)
U.K.I. live performance invites local (Graz/Linz/Austria based) and Ars
Electronica participants of noise sound /free software genre to join us on a
LIVE CODE LIVE SPAM viral trip!!! As a sequel to Shu Lea Cheang's cyberpunk
cult movie I.K.U. , the replicants of U.K.I. trade sex for codes, code
sexing code in noise blast out, a virus is born and multiplied to eventually
infect a city and take over the BioNet.
We invite noise coders to plug in with own laptops/devices.
Join us on a 70 minute non-stop hyper-jam session and set Linz under UKI
viral attack!
To join, please write to
now at u-k-i.co
with your website and online sample work
UKI (since 2009) has performed in
Piksel festival (Bergen, Norway) - [piksel.no]
La Générale en Manufacture (Sèvres, France) - [lagenerale.org]
Live performers' meeting (Rome, Italy) - [liveperformersmeeting.net]
MEM festival (Bilbao, Spain) - [musicaexmachina.com]
Porn film festival (Berlin, Germany) - [pornfilmfestivalberlin.de]
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid, Spain)-
Electropixel festival (Nantes, France) - [electropixel.org]
*An Eye for Ear festival at N.K. projekts in Berlin - [www.nkprojekt.de]
UKI - a viral performance/viral game
Shu Lea Cheang & Co.
a viral performance documentation clip (5:00)
Stadtwerkstatt open call clip (00:30)
Many thanks,
Shu Lea
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