+comunity+ Fwd: [ANAR.wien] EU Projek=?ISO-8859-1?B?dCBJTlRJLCBm/HIgUA==?=rojekte zur Integration von MigrantInnen
chiala at mur.at
chiala at mur.at
Di Aug 12 14:59:10 CEST 2003
----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von Andreas Goerg <andreas at no-racism.net> -----
Datum: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 08:05:38 +0200
Von: Andreas Goerg <andreas at no-racism.net>
Antwort an: Andreas Goerg <andreas at no-racism.net>
Betreff: [ANAR.wien] EU Projekt INTI, für Projekte zur Integration von
An: anar.wien at no-racism.net
Liebe Leute!
Wenn jemand von euch ein Integrationsprojekt für
"Drittstaatsangehörige" samt 2 europäischen Partnerorganisationen in
der Schublade hat, dann könnte sich folgende Projekteinreichung bis
29.08.03 ausgehen. Leider hab ich das mail von Veronika
urlaubsbedingt erst mit 3 Wochen Verspätung bekommen.
From: "Veronika Litschel" <veronika.litschel at sozial-wirtschaft.at>
Subject: EU Projekt INTI, für Projekte zur Integration von MigrantInnen
Integration of third country nationals (INTI) - call for proposals 2003
INTI is a EU funding programme for pilot projects promoting the
integration in the EU member states of people who are not citizens of
the EU. Its aim is also to promote dialogue with civil society,
develop integration models, seek out and evaluate best practices in
the integration field and set up networks at European level. Priority
is also given to actions enhancing the empowerment of migrants.
Actions may be proposed by any legal persons registered in one of the
15 Member States, as well as international organisations working on a
strictly non-profit basis.
The programme budget amounts to EUR 4 million for 2003. The Community
contribution will not exceed 80% of the total eligible costs of the
project (minimum amount of grant per project is EUR 100 000; maximum
amount is EUR 500 000). Deadline for submitting proposals: 29 August
Ð For more information, see:
ANAR.wien mailing list
ANAR.wien at no-racism.net
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