+comunity+ Fwd: [EXCOM at KONSORTIUM.AT] [Fwd: [rohrpost] CYNETart]

Reinhard Braun braun at mur.at
Fr Feb 16 23:26:53 CET 2001

liebe community,

wir laden euch ein unter umstaenden auch zu beachten, dass solche infos und
anderes in regelmaessigen abstaenden auf unserer midihy site aktualisiert
werden ... 


>International competition for computer-based art CYNETart 2001
>CYNETart award
>The competition for computer-based art is calling for entries in the
>fields of audio processing , internet, interactive CD-ROM, computer
>graphics, computer animation, and computer-based
>installation/performance. The prize money of 10,225 Euro (20,000 DM) is
>donated by private enterprises. The (maximum of) four award winners and
>about 12 recognitions will be chosen by the expert jury. A choice of the
>submitted projects will be presented during the CYNETart festival. This
>choice will be made by the promoter.
>The deadline for submissions is the 30th of April, 2001.

Reinhard Braun
Bauernfeldstrasse 26
A-8020 Graz
t/f +316 584632


midihy newsline at


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