Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
42 | fortytwo |
abandoned | [no description available] |
Admins | Server und VServer Admins | | [no description available] |
Andere_einrichtungen_alle | [no description available] |
arch | architektur initiative graz - |
Ardour-stammtisch-graz | oder allgemein: Musikproduktion mit freier Software |
Artlist | [no description available] |
ausreisser-news | Informationen der "ausreißer"-Redaktion |
Autonomie | [no description available] |
Awesome.noe | [no description available] |
Awesome.ooe | [no description available] |
basis_wien | basis wien - Archiv und Dokumentationszentrum |
brandschutz-info | projektionen zum 10. mai von hans nevidal |
btc | block that chain worklab Oct 7 to 12 2019 Graz/Austria |
CdNs | club der nichtschwimmerInnen - graz |
Chialanews | [no description available] |
Commodore | Commodore-Treffen Graz |
comunity | Die Com(m)unity in/um/bei und mehr. |
connected-05 | [no description available] |
Contemporarycollectivegraz | Newsletter contemporary collective graz |
CROPfm-Newsletter | The CROPfm newsletter |
CryptoParty | Graz // Informationelle Selbstbestimmung im digitalen Zeitalter? |
DESIGNERS_MEETING | [no description available] |
destroy | [no description available] |
Drupal | [no description available] |
Eisenerzart-news | [no description available] |
esc-drc | working list for the cooperation of Daily Rhythm Collecive and esc medien kunst labor |
esc-program | Announcements of program from esc medien kunst labor in Graz, |
Escher | Escher User Group, a open hardware dsPIC board from |
Faces | [no description available] |
faces-at | [no description available] |
fairplay | Newsletter von fairplay - Initiative für Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung |
Feld | [no description available] |
Ff | feministische feuerwehr zur bündelung feministischen widerstands |
FiBu | [no description available] |
Fluss-Liste | Die Liste für FLUSS und Mitglieder. |
Forumnews | Forum Stadtpark Newsletter |
Freie-kunstszene-graz | [no description available] |
freiraumfest-aktiv | Freiraumfest Organisationsliste |
glug | Grazer Linux User Group |
gottrekorder | gottrekorder - association of artists |
Hausen | Wohn- und Hausprojekt Graz |
Hauwie | Informationen Theater von Ed. Hauswirth |
hel-fem | [no description available] |
HIT | Hinweise, Infos und Tipps |
Hot.topic | [no description available] |
iEgo | [no description available] |
Igstmk-info | [no description available] |
Igstmk-mitgliedernews | [no description available] |
Il-graz-care-list | [no description available] |
Improcon | [no description available] |
Index_news | newsletter INDEX-edition |
Info-Galerie-Transit | Galerie Transit |
info-werkstadtgraz | [no description available] |
Info-zollamt | [no description available] |
International | [no description available] |
IP-SFS | Mailing list for IP-SFS related issues. |
Iterations | working group iterations |
Iterations-graz | [no description available] |
JUKUS-news | JUKUS Newsletter |
KiG | [no description available] |
KiG-presse | [no description available] |
KiG-team | [no description available] |
Knoten | city-MAN Info Liste |
kp | Diskussionsforum für kulturpolitische Themen |
Kuenstlerinnenhaus | Für ein selbstverwaltetes Künstler*innenhaus Graz für ALLE steirischen Künstler*innen |
Kultfrauen | [no description available] |
Ladyfestwien | Newsletter Ladyfest Wien |
Lima | gemeinschaftsatelier |
List-admins | Leute die Mailing-Listen administrieren. |
Localtask-programm | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_alle | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_bgd | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_ktn | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_noe | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_ooe | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_sbg | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_stmk | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_t | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_vbg | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_w | [no description available] |
Medien | [no description available] |
Ml | [no description available] |
Moin | Liste für Betreiberinnen von MoinMoin-Wikis |
Muratti | muratti - Testuserinnnen von/für/bei |
Murmur | [no description available] |
Murmur-intern | community list for the experimental music scene in / around Graz |
Mycel | [no description available] |
News | veilchen news |
news-initiative | Initiative Minderheiten Newsletter |
news-radiostimme | Radio Stimme |
Newsletter | Neuigkeiten von |
Newsletter-qufo | [no description available] |
nkoe | Netz Kunst OEsterreich |
Offenerbetrieb | [no description available] |
Outreach-qufo | [no description available] |
Owncloud | Owncloud |
pd-graz | Pd-graz - Verein zur Förerung von Pure Data |
Plattform25 | [no description available] |
Pn | [no description available] |
Podcast | [no description available] |
politik | [no description available] |
Probebetrieb | Organisationsliste für den Offenen Betrieb |
Prologue | [no description available] |
Ralph-test | [no description available] |
realraum | realraum - Öffentliche Liste |
realraum-announce | realraum - Öffentlichkeitsarbeit |
realraum-olga | [no description available] |
rfc | List to discuss the - closed list/open archive. |
RH-92.6 | Das Finninnen Forum |
RIO | [no description available] |
rote_rueb_innen | unabhängige spiel- und geredegruppe |
sat | mur.sat Projektliste |
sat-net | mur.sat observation network mailinglist |
sat-orga | [no description available] |
Schulen_alle | [no description available] |
Schulen_bgd | [no description available] |
Schulen_ktn | [no description available] |
Schulen_noe | [no description available] |
Schulen_ooe | [no description available] |
Schulen_sbg | [no description available] |
Schulen_stmk | [no description available] |
Schulen_t | [no description available] |
Schulen_vbg | [no description available] |
Schulen_w | [no description available] |
Seebrueckegraz | [no description available] |
sixpacknews | sixpacknews |
Skillsharing | [no description available] |
snm-fanclub | [no description available] |
sofa23-list | sofa23 |
spektral-news | [no description available] |
Spielberatung | Theatre information, amateur, semiprofessional |
Stadtpark1 | [no description available] |
Standpunkt | Projektvorbereitungsliste für "Ihr Standpunkt" |
Statttv-info | [no description available] |
STEINER8 | [no description available] |
Stg | [no description available] |
Sumpfhahn | [no description available] |
Tagderarbeitslosen | [no description available] |
Tapg | Technische Arbeits- und Planungsgruppe |
Team-vonunten | [no description available] |
Techno-disobedience-graz | [no description available] |
TiB-Newsletter | [no description available] |
TONTO-COMICS | TONTO Comics News - Regional |
TONTO-news | TONTO Comics News - International |
tortuga-news | [no description available] |
Trafacka | related to projects - gallery, studios and ateliers in Trafacka - Prague |
Ttip-stoppen-graz | [no description available] |
tuticompletti | Gernot Tutner's Mailing List |
Update-info | [no description available] |
Update-intern | [no description available] |
Ursprung-info | [no description available] |
Users-discuss | Liste zur Diskussion unter Benutzer_innen |
Wd8-news | [no description available] |
WerkZoll | [no description available] |
Wordpress | alles rund um wordpress bei |
Zollamt-lokal | [no description available] |
ZRAG | Zukunfts- und ReformArbeitsGruppe |
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