mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
42 | fortytwo |
abandoned | [no description available] |
Admins | Server und VServer Admins | | [no description available] |
Andere_einrichtungen_alle | [no description available] |
arch | architektur initiative graz - |
Ardour-stammtisch-graz | oder allgemein: Musikproduktion mit freier Software |
Artlist | [no description available] |
ausreisser-news | Informationen der "ausreißer"-Redaktion |
Autonomie | [no description available] |
Awesome.noe | [no description available] |
Awesome.ooe | [no description available] |
basis_wien | basis wien - Archiv und Dokumentationszentrum |
brandschutz-info | projektionen zum 10. mai von hans nevidal |
btc | block that chain worklab Oct 7 to 12 2019 Graz/Austria |
CdNs | club der nichtschwimmerInnen - graz |
Chialanews | [no description available] |
Commodore | Commodore-Treffen Graz |
comunity | Die Com(m)unity in/um/bei und mehr. |
connected-05 | [no description available] |
Contemporarycollectivegraz | Newsletter contemporary collective graz |
CROPfm-Newsletter | The CROPfm newsletter |
CryptoParty | Graz // Informationelle Selbstbestimmung im digitalen Zeitalter? |
DESIGNERS_MEETING | [no description available] |
destroy | [no description available] |
Drupal | [no description available] |
Eisenerzart-news | [no description available] |
esc-drc | working list for the cooperation of Daily Rhythm Collecive and esc medien kunst labor |
esc-program | Announcements of program from esc medien kunst labor in Graz, |
Escher | Escher User Group, a open hardware dsPIC board from |
Faces | [no description available] |
faces-at | [no description available] |
fairplay | Newsletter von fairplay - Initiative für Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung |
Feld | [no description available] |
Ff | feministische feuerwehr zur bündelung feministischen widerstands |
FiBu | [no description available] |
Fluss-Liste | Die Liste für FLUSS und Mitglieder. |
Forumnews | Forum Stadtpark Newsletter |
Freie-kunstszene-graz | [no description available] |
freiraumfest-aktiv | Freiraumfest Organisationsliste |
glug | Grazer Linux User Group |
gottrekorder | gottrekorder - association of artists |
Hausen | Wohn- und Hausprojekt Graz |
Hauwie | Informationen Theater von Ed. Hauswirth |
hel-fem | [no description available] |
HIT | Hinweise, Infos und Tipps |
Hot.topic | [no description available] |
iEgo | [no description available] |
Igstmk-info | [no description available] |
Igstmk-mitgliedernews | [no description available] |
Il-graz-care-list | [no description available] |
Improcon | [no description available] |
Index_news | newsletter INDEX-edition |
Info-Galerie-Transit | Galerie Transit |
info-werkstadtgraz | [no description available] |
Info-zollamt | [no description available] |
International | [no description available] |
IP-SFS | Mailing list for IP-SFS related issues. |
Iterations | working group iterations |
Iterations-graz | [no description available] |
JUKUS-news | JUKUS Newsletter |
KiG | [no description available] |
KiG-presse | [no description available] |
KiG-team | [no description available] |
Knoten | city-MAN Info Liste |
kp | Diskussionsforum für kulturpolitische Themen |
Kuenstlerinnenhaus | Für ein selbstverwaltetes Künstler*innenhaus Graz für ALLE steirischen Künstler*innen |
Kultfrauen | [no description available] |
Ladyfestwien | Newsletter Ladyfest Wien |
Lima | gemeinschaftsatelier |
List-admins | Leute die Mailing-Listen administrieren. |
Localtask-programm | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_alle | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_bgd | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_ktn | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_noe | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_ooe | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_sbg | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_stmk | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_t | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_vbg | [no description available] |
Maedcheneinrichtungen_w | [no description available] |
Medien | [no description available] |
Ml | [no description available] |
Moin | Liste für Betreiberinnen von MoinMoin-Wikis |
Muratti | muratti - Testuserinnnen von/für/bei |
Murmur | [no description available] |
Murmur-intern | community list for the experimental music scene in / around Graz |
Mycel | [no description available] |
News | veilchen news |
news-initiative | Initiative Minderheiten Newsletter |
news-radiostimme | Radio Stimme |
Newsletter | Neuigkeiten von |
Newsletter-qufo | [no description available] |
nkoe | Netz Kunst OEsterreich |
Offenerbetrieb | [no description available] |
Outreach-qufo | [no description available] |
Owncloud | Owncloud |
pd-graz | Pd-graz - Verein zur Förerung von Pure Data |
Plattform25 | [no description available] |
Pn | [no description available] |
Podcast | [no description available] |
politik | [no description available] |
Probebetrieb | Organisationsliste für den Offenen Betrieb |
Prologue | [no description available] |
Ralph-test | [no description available] |
realraum | realraum - Öffentliche Liste |
realraum-announce | realraum - Öffentlichkeitsarbeit |
realraum-olga | [no description available] |
rfc | List to discuss the - closed list/open archive. |
RH-92.6 | Das Finninnen Forum |
RIO | [no description available] |
rote_rueb_innen | unabhängige spiel- und geredegruppe |
sat | mur.sat Projektliste |
sat-net | mur.sat observation network mailinglist |
sat-orga | [no description available] |
Schulen_alle | [no description available] |
Schulen_bgd | [no description available] |
Schulen_ktn | [no description available] |
Schulen_noe | [no description available] |
Schulen_ooe | [no description available] |
Schulen_sbg | [no description available] |
Schulen_stmk | [no description available] |
Schulen_t | [no description available] |
Schulen_vbg | [no description available] |
Schulen_w | [no description available] |
Seebrueckegraz | [no description available] |
sixpacknews | sixpacknews |
Skillsharing | [no description available] |
snm-fanclub | [no description available] |
sofa23-list | sofa23 |
spektral-news | [no description available] |
Spielberatung | Theatre information, amateur, semiprofessional |
Stadtpark1 | [no description available] |
Standpunkt | Projektvorbereitungsliste für "Ihr Standpunkt" |
Statttv-info | [no description available] |
STEINER8 | [no description available] |
Stg | [no description available] |
Sumpfhahn | [no description available] |
Tagderarbeitslosen | [no description available] |
Tapg | Technische Arbeits- und Planungsgruppe |
Team-vonunten | [no description available] |
Techno-disobedience-graz | [no description available] |
TiB-Newsletter | [no description available] |
TONTO-COMICS | TONTO Comics News - Regional |
TONTO-news | TONTO Comics News - International |
tortuga-news | [no description available] |
Trafacka | related to projects - gallery, studios and ateliers in Trafacka - Prague |
Ttip-stoppen-graz | [no description available] |
tuticompletti | Gernot Tutner's Mailing List |
Update-info | [no description available] |
Update-intern | [no description available] |
Ursprung-info | [no description available] |
Users-discuss | Liste zur Diskussion unter Benutzer_innen |
Wd8-news | [no description available] |
WerkZoll | [no description available] |
Wordpress | alles rund um wordpress bei |
Zollamt-lokal | [no description available] |
ZRAG | Zukunfts- und ReformArbeitsGruppe |
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