[sofa23] White Shadow 8.7.09 - 14.7.09

sofa23 sofa23-list at mur.at
Wed Jul 8 17:13:11 CEST 2009

Jona is part of the team4040. Together with this collective he worked  
on the project "White Shadow" for the cultural capital of Europe Linz09.

White Shadow is a telematic sundial connecting people from Mexico City  
and Linz through their shadows. Linz and Mexico City are physically 8  
apart. At any given time people in these two cities are experiencing  
opposite phases of the day and night cycle. As nighttime falls in  
Linz, its shadows fade out and the shadows in Mexico City grow longer.  
It is during these hours that the shadows of a monument (appearing in  
white) and passer-by migrate from Mexico City to the Hauptplatz in  
Linz. It mimics the original shadow in size and shape, emulating a  
sundial. This white shadow provides the backdrop for projecting the  
silhouettes of passers-by in Mexico. As people in Linz step into the  
white shadow, their own shadows will also fall on it and meet the ones  
from Mexico.

Tonight there is the start of White Shadow at 9pm on Hauptplatz Linz  
and at 2pm in the National Museum of Anthropology Mexico City. (both  
local time - UTC is same time ;-) )
On Friday at 10pm there's the presentation where we will be talking  
and present the project in Linz.

If anybody is around I would be happy to see you there.

Alles Liebe
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