[sat] Art Satellites

Jogi Hofmüller jogi at mur.at
Wed Aug 13 16:13:33 CEST 2014

Dear Annick,

Nice that you found our project :)

Am 2014-08-12 18:02, schrieb Annick Bureaud:

> I am currently working on a research for an article on "art satellite",
> tyring to analyse the difference and similaries between the projects of
> the 80s and the current ones (after the Cubesat and Tubesat revolution).
> I think I have read everything or almost on your website + blog.

Very cool!  Good to know that all the writing is also read by someone ;)

> Today, I just wanted to get in contact with you. I'd be happy to be kept
> posted on this project and to meet you some day (by the way, I'll be at
> Ars Electronica if you are coming, we could have a chat there).

At least one of us (and maybe me too) will be there for some days.  A
meeting would be interesting, of course.

> One question today : do you still intend to launch the satellite ? If
> so, do you have any schedule planed ? Who/What would be the launcher ?

We definitely plan to have the satellite launched one day.  Currently
will still stick to IOS [1] but they have not date for their first
launch yet so we don't have one either.

[1] IOS, Interorbital Systems, http://interorbital.com/


Im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, das Joanneum muss zerschlagen werden! -
Barbara Fischer

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