[sat] IOS - infos/ launch late summer

Reni Hofmueller reni at mur.at
Tue Jan 3 11:36:20 CET 2012


"later part of the summer"
handschuhe an, lötbrillen auf, ballons aufpumpen, kompositionen und
4D-installationen fertig machen
huihuiuiui :))

und das zweite, was im verhältnis jetzt gar nicht aufregend ist, ist
ein skype meeting mit randa für eine der nächsten radiosendungen.

ioch muss grad mal vorher noch einen anderen termin fix machen, dann
meld ich mich mit einem vorschlag für die



----- Forwarded message from ios at interorbital.com -----

From: ios at interorbital.com
Reply-to: ios at interorbital.com
To: Reni Hofmueller <reni at mur.at>
Subject: Re: hello and 2 questions from graz
Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2012 13:40:17 -0800
Sender: cyberplex at antelecom.net
Priority: normal

Hi Reni!

Happy New year to all of you on the mursat team!

Yes---I would be very pleased to participate in your radio
show---how do you want to do the interview, by Skype or by
phone? I should be free next week Friday through Monday
(Jan. 6-9) between 11:00am and 18:30 most of those days. Let
me know what's best for you. My Skype handle is
randa.milliron and if we do it by phone, I can give you a
land line  number to call when we decide on a date and time.
We are progressing well here, but it always takes more time
than we would like---it looks like the launch will now be
during the later  part of Summer---we can't give an exact
date---a lot depends on our test flights, which are coming
up soon, and also how long our launch license takes. 

I am pleased to hear that your satellite progressing well.
We have some new payloads. Recently we added a CubeSat from
Pakistan, and just this week a TubeSat from the Universidad
de Chile. Please see interorbital.com for the Launch
Manifest, news about our selection for some NASA funding,
and Olav Zipser's space dive! Lots of excitement here! I
look forward to speaking with you. Greetings to Jogi and the

Best from Mojave,

----- Original Message Follows -----
From: Reni Hofmueller <reni at mur.at>
To: Randa Miliron <ios at interorbital.com>
Cc: Jogi Hofmueller <jogi at mur.at>
Subject: hello and 2 questions from graz
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 16:36:33 +0100

>dear randa!
>first of all, happy 2012! 
>i hope you had a fun and great change into the new year! 
>i have two questions for you:
>first is: as you know, we do a monthly radio show on our
>local community radio, and one of the ideas we have is to
>do an interview with you. we would record it and then
>broadcast it later.  please let me know when this could fit
>your schedule, and i organize it here in graz.
>the other question is the launch time and progress in
>general, it would be wonderful to hear how everything is on
>your side.
>here, we did a worklab mid december that really pushed us
>forward, and w have some new members in the team now, who
>bring in again more knowledge again. ah, yes and jogi and i
>are radio amateurs now :) as we are going to use amateur
>radio frequencies, we thought it could be good to
>understand this in more depth.
>with best wishes and greetings from the mursat team!

----- End forwarded message -----

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