[sat] Fwd: Yuri's Night 2011: Visual project!

Erik Unger erik at erikunger.com
Tue May 24 15:19:30 CEST 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ryan L. Kobrick, Ph.D. <ryan at yurisnight.net>
Date: Tue, May 24, 2011 at 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: Yuri's Night 2011: Visual project!
To: 2011 Parties <parties2011 at yurisnight.net>

Just in case you have the digest version of email, here are links to
the files online:

Examples: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3389547/YN_Example_events.jpg
Template: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3389547/YN2011_template.ppt

Thank you to the first 10+ who already sent me a slide! If your file
is large you can also send me a link to download the file.

FYI JFK's speech was May 25 1961.


On May 23, 2011, at 1:26 PM, Ryan L. Kobrick, Ph.D. wrote:

> Dear event hosts,
> The 2011 Executive Team summit occurred this past week at ISDC in
> Huntsville where we planned the future roadmap for Yuri's Night 2012.
> We presented 2011 highlights, heard about events from attendees,
> collected some cool ideas and set a timeline for recruiting new exec
> members. In about a week we will send out a "call for exec members"
> across the universe to recruit volunteers to our team. The online
> applications will be due in about a month (end of June).
> Visual project: I would like to request that EVERY event around the
> world send me 1 powerpoint slide that visually summarizes your event
> to use in a global slideshow to share. This should include your city
> name, country and photos. Please do not embed videos and make sure the
> photos are appropriate for public use. I've attached a sample of
> events that I created for recent presentations. I've attached a
> template to get you started. Please feel free to change the font or
> use your own language alphabet. Please keep the "50" logo on the top
> layer so that we can mark this momentous year. Please send your
> completed slide to me at: ryan at yurisnight.net (if you had multiple
> events in your city, each event can have it's own slide).
> Reminder: the event host survey that Brice sent out (sent May 8th) is
> due May 31st: http://yur.is/yn11survey Fill out the form for your
> chance to win spacey t-shirts!
> Cool fact: The 50th Anniversary year of human spaceflight will hit
> another major milestone tomorrow with the anniversary of JFK's speech
> to congress that charged the USA with the goal of sending humans to
> the Moon and returning them safely.
> Cheers,
> Ryan
> Executive Director, Yuri's Night
> <YN_Example_events.jpg><YN2011_template.ppt>

+43 650 58 33055
erik at erikunger.com
Skype: ungerik

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