[sat] ISEA 2011

Reni Hofmüller reni at mur.at
Thu May 5 18:46:15 CEST 2011

hello, dears!

oi, that is a pity of course!
what a shame, i was looking forward to sitting with you all at the
panel, but then also hanging out and looking at the bosborus :)

i will be the one (half speaking spanish, at least when it is about
technological things) to go to gijon next week to talk about the ideas and
concepts along mursat1, and i know pedro, so this would of course be a
possibility. i dont want to mingle into what you have already spoken
about with pedro, but i am sure we can work something out.

i can also think about another possibilty, without having cleared this
with the mursat-team, so it can only be a first idea.

in graz, we will install a 'temporary space center' once our satellite
will travel into orbit, and it should be functioning the whole time
while it is flying and hopefully transmitting data :) which is
estimated to be something between 3 - 6 weeks.
the time is not fixed yet, as we depend on the company IOS that
launches the rocket. it will happen this year, probably in the last
quarter of the year, but we dont have a date for this yet.
so what i could imagine and therefore suggest is to do some sort of
online conference together, and maybe you guys from dresden could
actually really travel to graz, as this is not so far, and can be also
organized on a rather short time notice. i fear we wont have the
budget to fly somebody in from the U.S., so lisa and trevor, your
participation would have to be remote via some video conferencing.

additionally, given all the budget cuts all over, the dimension of the
space center is really also not clear at all - but we will definitely
be online, whereever we are going to realize it :)

we dont need to decide this in a hurry, it is - as i say - an option,
and would at least give us the chance to a realtime exchange and
debates, and also make us less dependent on other organizations.

and the other way round, also: if some of you should be travelling in
europe anyways, i am sure we can set something up to do a
talk/presentation/whatever your plans were for istanbul, just in case.

all best for now

On Wed, May 04, 2011 at 11:05:07PM +0200, Max Neupert wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dear mur.sat, Lisa and Trevor.
> We are terribly sorry.
> The conditions under with the ISEA submission is now can't be fulfilled by us. After all the work we have put into the organization we are very disappointed having to tell you that we don't see any other option than canceling the panel for the ISEA in Istanbul. We tried to get sponsors like the Goethe Institute Istanbul, the IFA, the American Consulate in Istanbul and similar Institutions, but were out of luck. Mostly this was because of the short time between proposal and actual event, the budgets for 2011 are already allocated at those institutions.
> The ISEA came forward with their idea about who pays for the speakers at a very late stage, we would have appreciated this piece of crucial information at the submission stage, then we could have reacted a bit more timely and we would have had more sponsoring opportunities.
> However this being said, we would love if the effort we all have made wouldn't simply evaporate but would lead to something else. We have a promising offer by Pedro Soler of the Laboral Centro del Arte in Gijon, Spain. They host a satellite workshop (10th to 14th of May) with mostly spanish language presenters (+ mur.sat):
> http://www.laboralcentrodearte.org/en/actividades/orbitando-satelites-1
> We could join forces and try to publish our essays in a publication together with them.
> We'd like to have your feedback about this idea and any comments or conditions you might have.
> Kind regards
> Max, Elena & Lasse
> - -- 
> Max Neupert
> Faculty member
> Faculty of Media
> Bauhaus-Universität
> Marienstr. 5, Room 208
> 99423 Weimar, Germany
> Tel. +49 3643-583872
> Fax. +49 3643-583806
> http://www.uni-weimar.de/gmu
> http://www.maxneupert.de
> - -----------------------------------
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