[sat] gpredict für gegenwart und zukunft - gibts auch was für die vergangenheit?

Reni Hofmüller reni at mur.at
Thu Jun 16 11:17:26 CEST 2011


bruno (brasilien, der grad die salzwasserantennen baut), hat mir
folgenden tipp gegeben, 

kennt noch wer was?

mögliche anwendung: am schlossberg (oder sonstwo im freien :)) sitzen,
ohne computer, in den himmel schauen, satelliten entdecken, und wissen
wollen, welcher das ist :)
gpredict wie gesagt zeigt gegenwart und zukunft, aber sobald der
satellit vorbei ist, sind auch die daten weg...und wenn ich nun wissen
wollen würde, ob das wirklich die iss war?

also, wenn sonst noch wer was weiss, wäre cool
bin am nachdenken übers spacecenter (und hab grad so eine dezentrale

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From: bruno vianna <bruno at pobox.com>
Reply-To: "Lista de coordinación y organización del encuentro sobre satélites 2011 en LABoral centro de arte."
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To: "Lista de coordinación y organización del encuentro sobre satélites 2011 en LABoral centro de arte."
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Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 10:35:02 +0200
Subject: Re: [Orbitando] gpredict for present/future - is there something
	for the past?
Sender: orbitando-bounces at listas.plataformacero.cc

hey reni

i did some research on that for the artificial astrology project: stellarium
can do that, it gives you the sky (with satellites if you use the satellite
plugin) on a given date.

the problem is that all these programs use the tle data, which gets outdated
in a week or so. so it only works for the few last days - or you'd have to
find the tle file for the date you're looking for.


On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Reni Hofmüller <reni at mur.at> wrote:

> hey!
> i am currently thinking a lot about the "spacecenter" in graz that we
> want to set up during mursat1' flight.
> i dont know if mursat1 can be actually visually seen because it is so
> small, but anyhow, the bigger ones are visible, as we know.
> now, with gpredict i can "only" know about current and future passes,
> is there anything to look into the past?
> i mean:
> imagine - i sit on the graz city hill at dust or dawn and see
> satellites passing and even manage take photographs, and my compu ran out
> of
> battery, so i cannot consult with gpredcit immediately;
> is there a way to find out which satellite it could have been, say, a
> day or two back?
> could also be nice for santa monica.
> was just dancing to lou reed :) thanks, psy!
> besos
> reni
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