[sat] ISEA Istanbul Panel zu Satelliten
Reni Hofmüller
reni at mur.at
Tue Feb 1 10:02:24 CET 2011
hallo, max!
und perfektes timing - wir haben heut abend eh wieder mal ein treffen,
und können da dann gleich konkretisieren, außerderm gibts seit 2
wochen oder so auch einen blog; und ich hab mal prophylaktisch mit dem
österreichischen kulturforum in istanbul kontakt aufgenommen
(flugkosten), wird grad neu besetzt (ab april in funktion),
aber wir sind mit der anfrage auf
reisekosten für 2 personen schon mal auf ihrer liste.
coole sache!
lg aus graz
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 07:43:16PM +0100, Max Neupert wrote:
> Hallo Reni,
> unser Vorschlag für das Panel auf der ISEA 2011 ist angenommen worden. Jetzt fängt die Arbeit erst richtig an. Wir brauchen bis zum 11. Februar folgendes von dir:
> Your TITLE (MR./MS., DR., PROF.)
> Your AFFILIATION (the university or other organization you work with, e.g.: Sabanci University)
> The PAPER ABSTRACT (200 - 600 Words)
> Wenn ihr gutes Bildmaterial habt, dann könnt ihr gerne Fotos vorschlagen, wir brauchen noch welche die dann das ganze Panel repräsentieren.
> IMAGE FILE NAME (as above AbbreviatedPanelTitle_1)
> PHOTOGRAPHER NAME (if applicable)
> The images should be at 72 dpi in color and/or black and white.
> The images must be in JPEG format.
> The image size is 800 pixel width by 514 pixel height.
> Hier ist unser Text zum Panel für euch als Info:
> Birds out of sight. The invisible omnipresence of satellites
> Concept for the panel and areas of investigation in the form of an abstract no longer than 350 words:
> Since the launch of Sputnik satellites have become one of the backbones of information society: They are integral part of TV- and internet networks, providing a technological dispositive on which both national identities and the idea of a global sphere have been formed. Through GPS, satellites continue to impact our notion of place and locality. They provide the imagery of global and local space through geo-mapped photography and they extend our panoptic gaze into the universe through structures such as the Hubble telescope. Satellites have become equally omnipresent and invisible in these processes. They are “obscure objects of media” (Lisa Parks).
> At the same time, a multitude of practices and cultures has developed taking satellite technology as material: Hobbyists track secret satellites and predict their orbits. Amateur radio operators use satellites to transmit data and even build and operate their own satellites. Sociologists analyze the power structures embodied in broadcasting networks and their role in creating identities. Hackers abuse existing satellite infrastructure for communication or to capture transmissions, ranging from satellite phone calls over raw television material to the data collected by military drones.
> While satellite art began with using the established modes of satellite broadcasting during Documenta 6, today it is changing towards similarly manifold formats: Recent projects make apparent the role of satellites in networks that construct the global and the local. Artists working with satellites question the construction of landscape, the distribution of power and information or the historic genesis of satellite technology itself. Satellite technology is used by artists to trace individual trajectories and unfold untold stories making specific political and social issues visible. Not incidentally it were female artists who have used satellite technology to reveal obscure geospacial junctions (Ursula Biemann) and engage and educate less privileged communities (Joanna Griffin).
> The panel intends to connect these diverse and often isolated developments, bringing together artists, practitioners, theorists and activists. The invited speakers will present artistic strategies, efforts to operate actual satellites, analysis of satellite television and techniques for amateur satellite radio. The panel thus offers a platform for the exchange of methods, theories, metaphors and aesthetic strategies that may form the satellite art of the future.
> Keywords (maximum 10):
> satellite, navigation, amateur satellite radio, panoptism, orbital aesthetics, the televisual,
> auto-topography, satellite astrology, aesthetics of secrecy, invisible omnipresence
> Questions the panel will raise:
> How to build a satellite and deploy it in space? How to abuse satellite infrastructure? How to self-document everyday life through/with satellite technology? How are we bringing together the body, place and the mobile devices empowered by satellite feed, in an autobiographical context?
> Specific topic areas presenters could address:
> Histories of satellite technology, amateur and DIY satellite radio, satellite spotting, sociology of broadcasting, satellite ethnography, satellite auto-biometry
> Grüße aus Weimar,
> Max
> --
> Max Neupert
> Künstlerischer Mitarbeiter
> Fakultät Medien
> Bauhaus-Universität
> Marienstraße 5, Raum 208
> 99423 Weimar
> Tel. +49 3643-583872
> Fax. +49 3643-583806
> http://www.uni-weimar.de/gmu
> http://www.maxneupert.de
> -----------------------------------
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