[sat] [ios at interorbital.com: Your TubeSat kit]

Jogi Hofmüller jogi at mur.at
Sun Sep 5 11:02:39 CEST 2010

Hoi Folks,

Ha, nächste Woche ist das Teil hier :)

----- Forwarded message from ios at interorbital.com -----

From: ios at interorbital.com
Reply-to: ios at interorbital.com
To: Jogi Hofmüller [jogi at mur.at]
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2010 10:53:28 -0800
Subject: Your TubeSat kit
Sender: cyberplex at antelecom.net
Priority: normal

Hi Jogi!

Your TubeSat Kit is being shipped on Tuesday. We had to wait
for two major components, which were back-ordered. The
Microhard transceivers will come directly from the
manufacturer in Canada, and should also ship next week.
Sorry for the delay!

Please send additional information about your team and about
your project as both evolve. I'm creating some media
packages and would like as much information as possible
about each payload, and the people behind each project.

Best from Mojave,

Interorbital Systems
PO Box 662, Mojave, CA 93502-0662
Cellular: 661.965.0771 (preferred) 
Lab/Fax: 661.824.1662
ios at interorbital.com or cyberplex at aol.com
Websites: www.interorbital.com and www.translunar.org 

----- End forwarded message -----

j.hofmüller                                http://users.mur.at/thesix/
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