Jogi Hofmüller jogi at mur.at
Fri Jul 30 13:51:25 CEST 2010

Hat mir Max geschickt und leite ich einfach mal weiter.


*The Cosmos and The Russian Avant-Garde in the Fundación Botín of Santander.

* * The Cosmos of The Russian Avant-Garde. Art and Space Exploration
1900-1930 is an exhibition organised by the Fundación Botín which
shows how Kandinsky, Malevich, Tatlin and other representatives of the
Russian avant-garde were inspired by the search for other worlds and
by the cosmos, anticipating the space age which began with the launch
of Sputnik in 1957. *

This exhibition is the first to focus its attention on the modern
Russian contributions. As the curators point out, the exhibition does
not just show interest in the artistic interpretations of sidereal
space or in the visionary projects of scientists, but rather it
expressly brings together the points of convergence between the fine
arts and cosmonautics.

* The Cosmos of The Russian Avant-Garde. Art and Space Exploration
1900-1930 is on show at Fundación Botín in Santander from the 24^th of
June to the 19^th of September 2010. *

Video of the exhibition <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O511PqAposk>

The exhibition brings together works by the most important and
relevant Russian artists who worked before and after the October
revolution of 1917, such as Kandinsky and Malevich, and highlights the
relation between its creators and astrophysical and cosmonautic
research at the beginning of the 20^th century in Russia.

As well as masterpieces of painting and drawing, photographs and
original posters from the era, the exhibition is completed with
objects related to the first space investigations: the rocket model by
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky: the components of the glider called /Letatlin/
by Vladimir Tatlin (1929-32); or the visionary machines by Ari
Abramovich Shternfeld (Ary Sternfeld, 1905-1980) and Fridrikh Tsander
(1924). As the catalogue states, without the efforts of Tsander,
Korolev and Sternfeld in particular, the triumph of the Russian space
programme would have been inconceivable, a triumph which culminated
with the launch of the first articifial rocket on the 4^th of October
1957, Sputnik, of which a reproduction is shown in the exhibition.
Tsander's GIRD-10 rocket is shown, the first experimental soviet
rocket with a liquid fuel propelled motor, launched in 1933 and
reconstructed in 1970; and his winged rocket of 1924, through a
reproduction made for the exhibition.

The show at the Fundación Botín is presented as a homage to the
pionners who made it possible to reach space.

It counts on the contributions of the State Museum of Contemporary
Art-Costakis Collection of Thessaloniki (Greece) and the Aliki
Costakis Private Collection of Athens (Greece), present in the show
with 56 works from their collections. As well as loans from some of
the most important Russian institutions, it includes pieces from the
Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, the Muzeum Sztui Lodz of Poland, the
New Zealand Te Papa Museum and Milan's Galeria Lorenzelli.

*The curators are:* John E. Bowlt (University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, USA), Nicoletta Misler (University of Naples
"L'Orientale", Naples, Italy) and Maria Tsantsanoglou (director of The
State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece).

* The video * <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O511PqAposk>  shows a
tour though the rooms and commentaries by the curators.

As an introduction to orientate the public, the Fundación Botín
organised a season of once-in-a-lifetime films, such as Aelita, or The
Man with a Movie Camera, and a talk with the Spanish astronaut Pedro
Duque. In July the children's workshop *Rockets, Planets and... Art.
Let's travel to the cosmos!* will take place.

*The catalogue*, in Spanish and English, includes texts on art and
space exploration in Russia at the beginning of the 20^th century. It
costs 30 euros and it can be purchased in the Fundación or through

* /


/ *

*The Cosmos of The Russian Avant-Garde. Art and Space Exploration
1900-1930 *Place: Exhibition rooms of the Fundación Botín, in calle
Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola 3, Santander, Spain.

* Dates: 24^th of June to the 19^th of September 2010.
* * Opening times: from 12 to 2pm and 5 to 9.30pm. Free entry.

+34 942 22 60 72 *

* www.fundacionbotin.org <http://www.fundacionbotin.org/> *

Video of the exhibition

Press material

fundacion botin santander


Images: Photos. Alberto Aja/Fundación Botín


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