*RH-92.6* The managed bean would then access the session bean Facade using the session bean's interface.

Rosario dtswi at bresnan.net
Sun Jun 24 14:58:47 CEST 2007

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When you're finished with the application you can remove it by entering
the following commands:    ant clean - to clean up the application

The class then stores the result in another data member.
With a few lines of code, you can create this functionality.
Now let's look at the Facade. As you might expect, the normalize method
will normalize text into a specific form.
To discover a field's data type, call the PIMList method PIMList.
PIMList and its sub-interfaces.
The next option is render. NFC is the World Wide Web Consortium's
recommended normalization form to transfer and process text on the
Internet. " He is a regular speaker on enterprise application  design.
Notice also  that the Facade is stored as a field, cf, so that it can be
 shared and used by other client requests.

This tip  explains how.

The combining characters are sometimes called a combining sequence.
properties file in the bp-project subdirectory of the
TechTip-EJBsessionfacade directory and set properties  appropriately for
your environment. The idea here is to use the new EJB without making any
 changes to the existing EJB client code. Now click the Login link in
the application, and use jake as both the user ID and the password. Many
 developers have questions about how applications written to this  new
API can interact with legacy EJB applications, or how legacy
applications can interact with the new API.

If the bean used application-managed entity managers,  you would need to
include code that creates and destroys  entity managers. The second
argument is a JavaScript associative array of name: value pairs that
describe the options given to this transaction.
However, you can change this cache option.
You might also decide to change the default naming scheme for localized

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