*RH-92.6* lobbyist
Susie Forrest
jlqnxi at eddlethorpe.demon.co.uk
Tue Sep 12 20:06:32 CEST 2006
But is there nothing that we can do here? The proprietor was puttering around one of the hangars when I came ontothe roof. It was still not very late in the evening when I reached the house ofthe old inventor. Theimportant thing for me to do now is to go to Gar Nals hangar, and I donot know where it is. I continued in the directionof the hangar where my ship was stored. There is no time to be lost; otherwise, I would see theJeddak myself before I leave. My way led past the public house where I had left Jat Or and on intoanother quarter of the city.
Furthermore, in the idiom of a famous American game, I had an ace inthe hole.
I paused there a moment and listened intently, but no sound came fromthe interior of the building. Why do you want to go to Gar Nals hangar? They were agents of Ur Jan, the assassin of Zodanga.
Reaching for her controls, Iopened the throttle wide and set her nose for Helium.
I was a little bit worried about you, he said.
Well, I said, I hope the police dont follow me tonight. I guess youre worried moreabout her father than you are the police, he said. I will send four of youtomorrow night to wait near the house of Fal Sivas. He hesitated momentarily and then he started walking slowlyin the direction taken by the assassins.
As our meal drew to an end, two villainous-looking fellows entered andseated themselves at a table.
And what do they consider the Princess of Heliumworth to the men of Helium?
In fact, I think it frightened himeven to entertain the thought. I had seenthem both at the meeting of the assassins, and I seldom forget a face.
I must leave forHelium at once, and then Fate intervened and nearly made an end of me. Now hesaw me return in a two-man flier, with a companion. They have been awfullybusy the last couple of nights.
I was between him and the door; and he stood there, waiting forme to run him through the heart. Where are they going to hide this person they are kidnaping?
Where are they going to hide this person they are kidnaping?
Foraught I knew, the fellow might be a member of the assassins guild.
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