*RH-92.6* great copywriter
bahreincircus at teacher.com
Sun Jul 30 03:27:29 CEST 2006
Hearing some buzz in trading but having no idea where is it coming from? We’ll give you some guidelines! Check out these facts that will put you ahead of the trading crowd.
Patterns show clearly there will be an enormous earning opportunity on this very stock.
Get QEG Y First Thing on Monday, It is gowing to expload!
This price is the minimum for last week and will boom on MONDAY
Worst Scenario Target Price: $2.55
Most Probable Scenario Target Price: $2.90
Best Scenario Target Price: $3.55
"Strong Buy" Q EGY starting from 10:00 a.m. 31 July 2006 till
11:30 a.m. 13 July 2006. Watch QEG Y price fast rising. Hold your Q EGY
shares until the stock reaches it’s highest peak depending on your long-term
or short-term interests/preferences. Do not panic in case of some fluctuations,
subscribed members will receive exact Buy/Sell signals/alerts.
About the company:
Quantum Energy is a publicly traded growth orientated oil and gas
exploration company. The objective is to seek out and define
opportunities that represent a low risk opportunity to develop positive cash
flow. As well, the company aims to define larger projects that can be
developed with Joint Venture partners or be entered into by a Joint Venture.
Red Hot News:
Quantum Energy, Inc. Announces Update on Barnett Shale Horizontal Well
Quantum Energy issues update on the Barnett Shale Horizontal well - the
Inglish # 1H. Drilling commenced on June 30, 2006 and was completed on
July 26, 2006. This well is located in the Barnett Shale play of Fort
Worth Basin, Texas and is operated by Rife Operating, Inc. Drilling
reached a total depth of 9,886'. The well has been cased and cemented.
Well completion including perforation and frac is expected on August 12,
The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Little Known
Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are
Already Familiar with This. Is QEG Y Poised and Positioned to Do that
For You? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch
this One Trade on the 31 of JULY! Go QE GY.
Diversify your stock strategy and benefit from this one offering great opportunities.
No trader wants to take a loss. Let your stairway to success be a smooth one!
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