*RH-92.6* big take-off on pink sheets, pay attention to the message
Zelma Erickson
ZelmaErickson at adexec.com
Mon Jul 17 14:25:53 CEST 2006
Hello, My name is Zelma
We’re all afraid of down days. I’m a trader, too, I know that! What I want to do is share some really valuable information that can help you. <BR><BR>This stock has been on my watch list for quite a time. And now I have all the grounds to tell you it’s about to rock very soon.
Get GDKI.PK First Thing Today, This Is Going To Explode!
Check out for Hot News!
GOLDMARK I<u>NDU</u>S<strong>TRI</strong>ES (GDK I)
Worst Scenario Target Price: $8.00
Most Probable Scenario Target Price: $8.50
Best Scenario Target Price: $9.50
Before we start with the profile of GD KI we would like to mention something very important: There is a Big PR Campaign starting thhis week . And it will go all week so it would be best to get in now.
Company Profile
GOL<b>DMARK INDUST</b>RI<u>E</u>S, specializes in the production and disttribution of Music, Feature Fillms and Television entertainment for North America's most rapidly growing demographic, with a total consumer-based purchasing power of over 1 Trillion dollars: the Hip-Hop community.
Current News.
GOLDMARK INDUS<u>TR</u>IE<b>S</b>, Inc. (GDKI - News) is excited to announce that the Company is embarking into a new business direction. The Company is making an aggressive move into the multi-billion-dollar Urban Entertainment industrry. The Hip-Hop Entertainment industry generates several billion dollars per year in product sales with an estimated consumer-based purchasing power well into the hundreds of bi||ions of dollars and topping over one trillion worldwide. GO<b>LDMARK INDUSTRI</b>E<strong>S</strong> is committed to providing the beest in all forms of urban entertainment to the 45 Million Hip-Hop consumers in North America. GOLDM<i>A</i>RK INDUST<u>RIES</u> is preparing to stand at the forefront of the Hip Hop consumer market, offering a wide range of urban entertainment services in Music, Feature Films, Television, Home Video/DVD and Major Events. As such, Goldmark is poised to build its management team by attracting seasoned professionals with extensive experience in this dynamically growing industry sector.
The Company looks forward to announcing a string of exxciting corporate developments over the next few days outlining management changes and project acquisitions. GOLDMARK I<u>NDUSTRI</u><u>ES</u> will be focusing on the following categories of Urban Entertainment:
Music Production G<b>OLDMA</b>RK INDUSTRIE<strong>S</strong>'' music department is committed to discovering the world's most talented Hip-Hop & R&B artists. Positioned to contribute to the success of the world's leading music production and distribution companies, GOLDMARK IND<strong>UST</strong>R<strong>IE</strong>S has built a strong foundation for continual growth and achievement. With a visionary approach, high standards and
a management team that attracts the most exciting and original artists of our time, GOLDMARK<b> IN</b>D<b>US</b>TRIES is set to stand at the forefront of the Hip-Hop music community.
Motion Picture Production
GOLDMARK INDU<b>STR</b><strong>I</strong>ES' motion picture department specializes in the financing, production and distribution of feature films directed towards the urban community. Whether working with highly successful Hollywood executives or up-and-coming independent filmmakers, GOLDMARK INDUSTR<strong>IE</strong><i>S</i> is able to provide consulting and production services from the best in the business. GOLDMARK IN<strong>DUSTR</strong>IE<strong>S</strong> aims to produce and distribute some 10-20 films a year, committed to matching the success of some of the leading production companies. Television Production GOLDMARK IND<i>U</i>STR<u>IE</u>S' television department is positioned to become a leading force behind the financing, production, distribution and marketing of television entertainment for the Hip-Hop community, including primetime series, telefilm and mmini-series. GOLDM<strong>ARK </strong>IND<i>US</i>TRIES is in the process of teaming up with some exciting television producers and networks worldwide, building a dynamic and powerful television production
team that consistently proves to be the best in the business. For more infoormation, check the company current news announced on July17.
Conclusion: The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Little Known Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are Already Familiar with This. Is G DKI Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch this One Trade tomorrow! Go GDK I.
Harvest the cream from this stock, seasoned traders recommend it.
I wish you lots of luck and a big buck to make!
Sincerely, Zelma
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