*RH-92.6* stock trader
Jill Butts
abshah at cisco.com
Sun Jan 29 21:53:21 CET 2006
Presidents Financial
Enters Online Poker Biz.
O.T.C Sym bol: P Z F C
Price: .
Getting Ready To Rumble?
Huge PR Campaign for Monday's Trading. You May Want To "Get In Early" Monday
Morning. Select Small Cap Sto cks Have Been Lining Savvy In vestors Pockets
With Juicy Prof its, As You May Know. You Gotta Time them Right, That's All.
Some of You May Have Scored on Other Poker Stocks Before.
Press Release Headlines(Go Read the Full Stories Now)
1)Presidents Financial Corporation Names Executive Team for Its SweetPrize
Inc. Subsidiary.
2)Presidents Financial Corporation Acquires Provider of Online Poker
Services -- SweetPrize Entertainment Inc.
Can You Make Some Fast Money on This One? Watch This One Trade Monday...
Information within this em ail contains 4rward l0 0king statements within
the meaning of Section 27A of the Secu rities Act of nineteen thirty three and
Section 21B of the Securi ties Exch ange Act of nineteen thirty four. Any
statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predi ctions,
expec tations, beli efs, pla ns, projec tions, objec tives, goa ls, ass
umptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may
be 4rward 1o0king statements. Don't rely on them to make a decision. Please
be aware that the Company is not a reporting comp any registered under the
Secur ities Exch ange Act of 19 34 and there is limited information available about the
comp any. As with many micr ocap st0c ks, today's com pany has disclosable material
items you need to consider in order to make an informed and intelligent
in_vest ment decision. These items include: no rev enue in its most recent quarter, an
accumulated deficit since its inception, a negative net worth, reliance on loans from
offic ers and direct ors to pay expenses and a nominal ca sh position. It is a
devlopmental stage and not an operating Co mpany. The comp any is going to need fin ancing. If
that fina ncing does not occur, the comp any may not be able to continue as
a going concern in which case you could lose your entire in-ves tment. The
agreement announced above may not be definitive and may not occur. None of the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of inves tment advi ce or solicitat ion. Many of these compa nies are on the verge of bankruptcy. You can lose all your m0ny by in-ves ting in this st0c k. In compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, Sec tion 17(b),The publi sher
of this newsle tter is contracted to receive twenty five tho usand do 11ars
from a th ird party, not an offi cer, direc tor or affiliate shar-ehol der
for the circu lation of this rep ort. The party that pays us has a position
in the st ock they will sell at any time without notice. This could have a
negative impact on the price of the stoc k, causing you to lose mo ny. Their
intention is to sell now. All factual information in this report was gathered from public sources, including but not limited to Comp any Pre ss Releas es and Infor mation Stat ements.
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