*RH-92.6* Little Stocks Sizzle as the Big Ones Fizzle
Lenny Kimball
isabella at 00-44.com
Mon Feb 6 19:33:36 CET 2006
IGAM Cuts Deal With Donald Trump Ring Tones And Mobile Content and Ed McMahon Million
Dollar Madness
C0mpany; Interactive Games
Is this Sma1l Cap Fueled, on the Launching Pad and Ready for Liftoff? When Some of these
small caps move, they really go, as you may know. It can be like strapping your portfolio
to a rocket! Good Luck and Always Try to Time it Right...
About Interactive Games
Interactive G ames Inc., is a developer and licensor of interactive casin0 technologies and
mobile gaming applications. Interactive Ga mes has entered into license and distribution
agreements with Ed McMahon for the Interactive Games "Million Dollar Madness Class III
S lot Machine," 9 Squared Inc. and other third-party manufacturers and distributors, in
which the company has the right to market, sublicense and distribute gaming and mobile
entertainment products under the Interactive Games brand. (Source: News 2/1/06)
Recent News:
1)Interactive Games Inc. Signs Contract With Spectre Gaming for First Order of 150 Amusement-With-Prize Games-
2)Interactive Games Inc. Announces Licensing Agreement for Donald Trump Ring Tones and Mobile Content
Go Read the full stories on this one Now . . And Watch it Monday....
Information within this em ail contains 4rward l0 0king statements within
the meaning of Section 27A of the Secu rities Act of nineteen thirty three and
Section 21B of the Securi ties Exch ange Act of nineteen thirty four. Any
statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predi ctions,
expec tations, beli efs, pla ns, projec tions, objec tives, goa ls, ass
umptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical
fact and may be 4rward 1o0king statements. Don't rely on them to make a decision.
As with many micr ocap st0c ks, today's com pany has disclosable material
items you need to consider in order to make an informed and intelligent
in_vest ment decision. These items include: a going concern opinion from its auditor,
default on note payable, a subsidiary in bankruptcy,a negative net worth, an
accumulated deficit, nominal cash, nominal revenues,large related party transactions,
and all the assets of the co. are pledged under a debt obligationto a related party.
Foreclosure could force the co. into bankruptcy. It is is going to need fin ancing.
Read the Company's S E C Fili ngs now, right now, before you inve st.
None of the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of in vestment
advi ce or solicitat ion. Many of these small compa nies are on the verge of
bankr uptcy. You can lose all your m0ny by in-ves ting in this st0c k. In compliance
with the Securi ties Act of 19 33, Sec tion 17(b),The publi sher of this newsle tter
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offi cer, direc tor or affiliate shar-ehol der for the circu lation of this
rep ort. The party that pays us has a position in the st ock they intend to sell
now. This could cause the stoc k to go down, resulting in los ses for you. All factual
informa tion in this repo rt was gathered from public sources, including but not limited
to Comp any Pre ss Releas es and Fili ngs.
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