*RH-92.6* huge checklist
attainderafferent at allergist.com
Tue Aug 15 19:05:06 CEST 2006
stoock movements analyzed to give you winning strategies
Tip Top Equitties August Issue: A GAO
Make no mistake: Our mission at Tip Top Equities is to sift through the
thousands of underperforming companies out there to find the golden needle in the
haystack. The m i c r o - c a p diamond that can make you a fortune. More often than not, the s t o c k s we profile show a significant increase in s t o c k p r i c e, sometimes in days, not months or years. We have come across what we feel is one of those rare deals that the public has not heard about yet.
Get on AG AO First Thing on TUESDAY, it's going to expload!
C o m p a n y: AGA RESOURCES INC
S y m b o l: AG AO
C u r r e n t P r i c e: $2.15
T a r g e t P r i c e: $4.10
The p r i c e is the minimum for last week and it will boo m on Tuesday!
Recommendation: "S T R O N G B U Y" starting on TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2006.
Experts see a solid trading opportunity in this stock. Use this during your next trading day, and you’ll be among the winners.
Breaking News:
A G A Resources, Inc. (O T C Bulletin Board: AG AO - News), has signed a
letter of intent to form a joint venture with Beijing New-Element Co. Ltd. ("New-Element"), a promotion and marketing company based in Beijing.Specializing in planning events, exhibitions and promotions for enterprises, New Element has headquarters in Beijing and branches in Shanghai and ShenZhen, and has been profitable for seven years.
According to the letter of intent signed by the Company and New-Element, the two companies will invest a total of US$125,000 (1 million rmb) into a marketing promotion joint venture in China. The Company will invest US$62,500 (0.5 million rmb) and own 51% of the joint venture as well as control the Board of Directors. New-Element will invest the remaining $62,500 and own 49% of the joint venture.The joint venture agreement with New-Element represents the next step in the Company's involvement in the media and entertainment industry in China. Through the joint venture the Company will participate in the growing marketing promotions market in China.
About the Company:
A G A Resources, Inc. is an Exploration Stage Company. The Company has acquired a mineral property located in the Province of British Columbia, Canada and has not yet determined whether this property contains reserves that are economically recoverable. The Company has started exploration. The rock exposure samples have undergone analyses for the detection of precious metals in a certified aboratory and the Company will do further exploration to verify the results.Members should pick up A GAO as early as possible on Tuesday.
This news is going to send A GAO off the charts! We all know that in the this business it's the big announcements that makes these s t o c k s explode!!!
We see this as a huge p r o f i t taking a Deal ON AG AO.
Adversity doesnt build character, it reveals it . A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men. Look before you leap. Folly grows without watering When yuh dead yuh nah sabee, and when yuh sabee yuh dead..
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