*RH-92.6* ncc 48 netART community congress | graz
reni hofmueller
reni at mur.at
Thu Oct 18 16:07:47 CEST 2001
hier die info zum 48stundennonstopkongress :-)
[apologies for any cross-postings!]
The net art platform mur.at -- established in 1998 as a strategic alliance
of art initiatives and artists of Graz, and dedicated to creating an
electronic network -- is pleased to announce the upcoming _ncc 48 netART
community congress_ being held in Graz and online during 48 hours of input
and output.
|--- ncc 48
|--- netART community congress
|--- opening: october 25th, 12:00 cet
|--- closing: october 27th, 12:00 cet
|--- dom im berg, graz/austria
ncc48 stands for 48 hours of non-stop information, documentation,
discussions, reflections, and productions in analog and virtual space. the
topic is "the internet in the context of art". Condensing information is
the intention of ncc48, the congress is the medium. Over a time-line of 48
hours international artists, scientists, theorists, computer experts and
the scheme-team will discuss, report and reflect on topics succeeding one
another in a temporal rhythm and forming the "content back bone" of ncc48.
There will also be concurrent workshops, chats, lectures and presentations
of networkart projects.
The whole programm of ncc 48 is set up as a network of interrelated issues
addressed by the also interrelated designed contributions of all
co-operators, contributors and the audience.
The following 48 HOUR SPEAKERS have been invited to address those
interelations and to constantly moderate the whole process of carrying out
the ncc 48 netART community congress both on site and online:
Josephine Bosma, NL; Andreas Broekmann, D; Katharna Gsoellpointner, A;
Derrick de Kerckhove, CAN; Ulli Meybohm, D
a mur.at event
october 25 | 12:00 noon cet
opening lectures: Winfried Ritsch, mur.at, A; Ivan Redi, ortlos architects, A
open_source & free software
october 25 | 2:00 pm cet
The application of open source models on the internet in "net" architecture
& "net" art may well be one of the most innovative scenarios for the future
and will radically change the current situation. But how compatible is the
"open source model", with all its guidelines ("open source definition") and
as a working model, with net art projects? How could the further
development of "free net art" be conceived in analogy to the development of
"free software"?
PARTICIPANTS: Maia Engeli, Kerstin Hoegger, Technical University, Zurich,
CH (remote); Ulli Meybohm, D; Jaromil, I; Richard Stallman, USA (remote);
Erich Stamberger, A
carried out by ortlos architects, A | http://www.ortlos.com
october 25 | 6:00 pm cet
net.communication refers to the situation of austrian cultural initiatives
related to the net, being a plattform for presenting several important
associations and the "konsortium.at", an pressure group for net culture in
Presentation of "local task 2003", a call for entries addressing net art
projects to be realised in the realm of "Graz 2003 - Cultural Capital of
PARTICIPANTS: Katharina Gsoellpointner, A, Peter Riegersperger,
konsortium.at, A; Thomas Fundneider, A; Gabi Kepplinger, Stadtwerkstatt
Linz, A
carried out by mur.at | http://mur.at
october 25 | 10:00 pm cet
Once again, the metaphor 'web' has to be tested: In which way have the
channels of communication and electronic exchangeable forms changed the
idea of what neighbourhood, seen as a cultural overlapping and
transgression, can be? Why are the often geographically closest regions
basically a blank spot on the map of net based communication and
production? Does it still make any sense to think about processes of
cultural exchange in this way?
PARTICIPANTS: Kristian Lukic, Media Education Centre KUDA.org, Novi Sad,
YU; Zeljko Blace, Multimedia Institute, Zagreb, CRO; Walter van der
Cruijssen, desk.org, Berlin, D (remote); Peter Tomas Dobrila, Multimedia
Center KiberSRCeLab, KIBLA, Maribor, SLO; Jurij Krpan, Kaplica - Students
Organisation of the University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SLO
carried out by MiDiHy | http://midihy.org
october 26 | 2:00 am cet
late nite streaming show for those addicted to the net -- there is no such
thing as break ...
PARTICIPANTS: Station Rose, D; Radio Fro, A; Berlin noton, D; Zvuk Broda, CRO
carried out by mur.at | http://mur.at
october 26 | 8:00 am cet
net.basics presents netstories for breakfast and is dealing with early net
art and the development of the internet, including a presentation of the
projected media plattform for "Graz 2003 - Cultural Capital of Europe",
some lectures, presentations and a nice discussion
PARTICIPANTS: splitterwerk, A; Gerhard Greiner, INFONOVA Information
Technology, A; Willi Stadler; INFONOVA Information Technology, A; Erich
Leitgeb, TU-Graz, Institut fuer Nachrichtentechnik und Wellenausbreitung, A
carried out by Ute Angeringer in cooperation with Info-Design |
october 26 | 11:00 am cet
Design today. The changing in paradigm is reality.
Selected lectures about modells in network practice and their potential for
applied new-organisation from physical environments. Starting up with a
empirical basic research.
PARTICIPANTS: Manfred Ruttner, mobilkom Austria, A; RPT Kapfenberg, caX, A;
Egon Maurer, Alarm und Raumschutz ARS, A; ski-data, A.
carried out by splitterwerk, Wolfgang Reinisch, Gernot Ritter, in
cooperation with Technical University, Graz
october 26 | 4:00 pm cet
_transfer.net_ deals with the framework conditions of everyday/popular net
cultures (i.e. net cultures having, among other things, always some sort of
economic motivation) and the increasing intermeshing of entertainment and
consumption cultures on the one hand and net cultures on the other. How are
the popularization of connectivity ("get connected", Nokia) and the
individualization of presence on the net ("your personal homepage")
affecting the framework conditions for all types of net art? Is it possible
to maintain a counter-cultural net art or community concept in a time when
net-based discourses are increasingly becoming merchandise-type discourses
("satisfy your lust", Siemens)?
PARTICIPANTS: Andreas Broeckmann, D; Verena Kuni, D; konsum.net (Margarethe
Jahrmann, Max Moswitzer), A; Station Rose (Elisa Rose, Gary Danner), A/D
carried out by MiDiHy | http://midihy.org
_transfer.net_ is going to be fully webcasted from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm cet
in cooperation with Station Rose @ http://www.stationrose.com
net & literature
october 26 | 8:00 pm cet
The project is mainly dedicated to the relationships between old (physical)
and new (simulated) spaces -- referring to spaces in their capacity as
cultural terrain. How can narratives be delivered in new spaces? How are
constructions of "We" developing in these new spaces? What does "presence"
mean under such conditions? What does "public" mean and what would "the
private" be under such conditions?
PARTICIPANTS: Dzevad Karahasan; Beat Mazenauer, CH, die flut (Thomas
Ballhausen, Xaver Bayer, Julia Hadwiger, A); hugi (Claus D. Volko, D),
upsites revisited (Martin G. Wanko, A); Igor Markovic
carried out by Martin Krusche | http://www.kultur.at
october 26 | 12:00 midnight cet
cool vibes on the net
tonto, A: feron, reflector, remi/wini ritsch, lepnik/kaplan, lackner/posch,
strobl, tonto DJ
october 27 | 6:00 am cet
Although the creative process is liberated from the limitations of matter,
it nevertheless is dependent on the medium of the work. Comprehensive
technical knowledge is imperative. Furthermore a theoretical programmatic
grasp of net.spaces is necessary, whereby techno-aesthetics in its severity
places the highest demands. And in the end the question: do the present
instruments of discursive forums (such as mailings lists) suffice or should
we advocate "The Birth of the Net-Gallery" which describes that system of
power, deciding on art and non-art? Probing the necessity of elaborating a
productive and distributive apparatus that is to envelope the net-work of
art (collectors, dealers, curates, critics, ncc48 organizers, etc.).
PARTICIPANTS: Josephine Bosma, NL; Andreas Broeckmann, D; Katharina
Gsoellpointner, A; Derick de Kerckhove, CAN; Ulli Meybohm, D; Heat Bunting,
GB; Geert Lovink (remote), NL; audience on site and on line
carried out by ortlos architects, A | http://www.ortlos.com
0ctober 27 | 10:00 am cet
to be realised during the whole 48 hours
fashion and the net
Zeljko Blace, CRO
A workshop on networking stragegies and collaborative projects (a.net),
[ASU2 - challenges of networking between, .alt/.act/.art & Servers/
Streamers/ Spaces]
Das Werkzeug des Architekten, Thomas Kienzl, A
radio boot,Radio Helsinki | http://helsinki.mur.at/
|--- ncc 48
|--- netART community congress
|--- opening: october 25th, 12:00 cet
|--- closing: october 27th, 12:00 cet
|--- dom im berg, graz/austria
mur.at in collaboration with SPLITTERWERK, ortlos architects, MiDiHy,
Martin Krusche, Radio Helsinki
supported by steirischer herbst, fh-joanneum studiengang informations -
design, TU-Graz, Institut für Gebäudelehre und Wohnbau, Gewilab -- Labor
für geisteswissenschaftliche Informatik (University of Graz), KPMG
InfoDesign, Humanic, Die Steiermärkische, Hypo Leasing Zagreb, City of
Graz, Government of Styria, Bundeskanzleramt
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