*RH-92.6* Fwd: [indymedia_austria] medienzentrum
R.E.S.T.R.I.S.I.K.O. auf 92.6
restrisiko at hotmail.com
Fri May 18 14:30:25 CEST 2001
>From: "Ronja Räubertochter" <raeuberin at hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: indymedia_austria at yahoogroups.com
>To: indymedia_austria at yahoogroups.com, antiwef-salzburg at yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [indymedia_austria] medienzentrum
>Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 15:32:45 -0000
>also, es gibt da neuigkeiten, die vielleicht ein paar von euch
>interessieren, hoff ich zumindest:
>global solidarity - international
>invitation for cooperation
>radiofabrik salzburg is one of nine non-commercial communityradios in
>for theworld economic forum, taking place in salzburg from 1st to 3rd of
>june, we offer independent journalists from all over the world to use our
>infrastructureand invite them to work with us.
>alternative journalists who cannot come to salzburg have the opportunity to
>download information, audio- and video productions from our web server
>especially put up from the wef.
>we will according to your demands!! let us know how much time and/or space
>you willprobably need-until 30th of may (15th of june by the latest).
>that makes organizing the event a lot easier for us!
>already planned are:
>daily news (audio and video) about what is happening outside the official
>programe-"off records"-,roughly 15 minutes in various languages (depending
>on international participation!!!)
>providing yo with our infrastructure such as working space and editing
>(samplitude, wave, www, ...). professional support when needed.
>information office-actions, activities, ..
>internet radio live on www.radiofabrik.at
>radio- and mediaworkshop between the 29th of june and the 3rd of july.
>roaming salzburg in small groups will help you get to know salburg during
>the wef-technical know-how for the production of contributions for the
>medium radio and journalistic techniques will be acquired during this
>time-including live coverage,news, features,wef-comedy,behind the scenes
>please send your feedback, questions, requests and registration to
>w.rettenbacher at radiofabrik.at
>until the 30th of may
>also, wenn ihr noch fragen habt, wisst ihr ja jetzt, wo melden, klingt,
>finde ich, fürs erste ziemlich okay!!!
>eure ronja
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