[fox-users] <- via users: server probleme #2

ludwig zeininger lu at mur.at
Mon Apr 26 22:09:16 CEST 2004

Hash: SHA1


1. neuigkeiten deutsch (wieder eher laenglich, sorry)
2. engish version of last week's mail + news/updates

unsere forensische abteilung konnte (ueber einen sog. zweckdienlichen 
hinweis von reini urban, danke nochmal!) den hergang des cracks 

offensichtlich wurde die maschine ausschliesslich als IRC relay 
missbraucht, was jede menge netzwerk traffic verursachte und die CPUs 
heftig beanspruchte, aber den datenbestand im userspace (homes, 
datenbanken, mails) unveraendert liess. dh. wir gehen davon aus, dass eure 
daten nach wie vor - und die system daten wieder - integer sind.

(fuer die skeptikerInnen: wir ueberwachen das sytem manisch, um etwaige 
verbliebene bosheiten zu entdecken. paranoia gehoert schliesslich zu 
unserem berufsethos...)

die eingangstuer war ein wenig bekannter aber klaglos funktionierender 
exploit eines administrations interfaces fuer ein php bulletin board, 
installiert von einem users fuer eine von ihm betreute homepage.

schlecht geschriebene, veraltete software, einmal installiert, nicht 
gewartet, nie aktualisiert.

unsere konsequenz: wer in zukunft software installieren will, muss sich:
1. _zuerst_ mit dem noc in verbindung setzen (wir wollen wissen, was es 
ist, und uns darueber informieren)
2. verpflichten, die software auf dem jeweils neuesten stand zu halten und 
gegebenenfalls und sobald wie moeglich security patches einzuspielen und 
regelmaessig updates durchzufuehren.

was 'software' in diesem kontext meint, ist leider nicht so einfach zu
definieren. auf jeden fall suiten wie CMSs (content managemant systeme), 
BBs (bulletin boards) und aehnliches, egal ob von irgendwo im netz gesaugt 
oder selbst gestrickt, egal ob php oder perl.

ich bin auch auf phpmyadmin gestossen: weg damit! oder wir machen es.
dafuer gibt es ein systemweites:
    ^----> secure, was in euren homedirs nicht der fall ist

eigene bulletin boards aufzuziehn ist uebrigens auch nicht mehr noetig:
http://bb.mur.at/ steht zur verfuegung. wer will, kann ein eigenes forum 
bekommen. vom noc administriert, von dem/der jeweiligen betreuerIn 

polls und aehnliche kleinere php/perl sachen sind eher unbedenklich, 
wobei ich aber auch bitten wuerde, sich vor der installation mit uns in 
verbindung zu setzen. ihr koennt euch und uns u.U. aerger ersparen.
(polls koennen uebrigens auch ueber bb.mur.at gemacht werden.)

die vorteile fuer euch liegen auf der hand. ihr habt keinen stress beim 
installieren, keinen administrationsaufwand, und wenn was schiefgeht, ist 
das noc dafuer verantwortlich.

dass nicht ueber ein user password eingebrochen wurde, bedeutet allerdings 
NICHT, dass ich irgendwas von den password- und security-angelegenheiten, 
wie im letzten mail beschrieben, auch nur relativiere!

im gegenteil: die spurensuche hat, quasi als nebenprodukt, ua. ergeben, 
dass ueber einige accounts (teils mit, teils ohne wissen der inhaberInnen) 
dritte wiederholt und sogar regelmaessig zugang zum server hatten.

- -> ankuendigung:
sobald wir einen praktikablen mechanismus ausgearbeitet haben, wird es nur 
noch zeitlich begrenzt gueltige passwoerter geben. dh. ihr werdet eure 
passwoerter alle drei oder vier monate aendern muessen.
zur einstimmung fordere ich alle (die das in den letzten tagen nicht schon 
gemacht haben) auf, jetzt (JETZT) ihr passwort zu aendern. und fuer sich 
zu behalten. in faellen von akutem account sharing: bitte melden, wir 
legen gern die noetigen accounts an (und werden auch nicht schimpfen, 

soweit mal das, demnaechst sicher mehr...

2. [this is as longish as it is important. so, please...
for your reading pleasure there are some awkward jokes included!]

a condensed version of the tale of last week's inferno and it's 

the pop thing:

some time in the evening of april 16 our pop server stopped popping. 
unfortunately, it took me until monday to realize and until tuesday to get 
it running again. sorry for that. we're still investigating the cause.

both, imap and pop, are up and functional since tuesday. if any of you 
have migrated from pop to imap (and back) in the meantime and are 
experiencing problems, please contact us.

all more recent trouble with mail and other services should have stopped 
by thursday afternoon and was most probably due to emergency measures made 
necessary by...

the crack thing:

our main server was cracked on april 22 (last thursday) and subsequently 
misused as IRC relay, which caused considerable network- and cpu-load but 
did not compromise any userland data. ie. none of your data (home 
directories, databases, mail) was compromised. the system was cleared of 
all malicious files and also a brandnew kernel (not vulnerable to the 
exploit used last week) is running without problems.

at the time of my german-only mail to the list i was convinced that the 
crack was carried out from a user account because the kernel vulnerability 
that was exploited depends on the attacker already being logged in ('local 

although this proved to be wrong, there is good reason to believe that 
some of the mur.at accounts are being used by more than one person. as our 
forensics department found out, the login logs for some accounts have 
time/location signatures that are impossibly caused by one person, ie. 
logins were recorded from different locations that occured simulaneously 
and/or with too little time inbetween, assuming contemporary means of 

the passwords for those accounts (and who knows how many others...) have 
either been knowingly shared (webmasters, a friend who knows mysql, a room 
mate who has a crack of dreamweaver...) or gotten hold of by somebody 
through some kind of malicious action (sniffing, backdoor on a DOS box...).

in both cases the result is the same: somebody gains unauthorized access 
to the server. not technically unauthorized, but as in 'not a mur.at 

access to our services is restricted to members, and an account is bound 
to ONE person. that person is obliged to safekeep the access data and is 
responsible for whatever harm is done by misusing that account.

in other words:

# don't share your account!

if you need additional accounts (webmaster, database etc) let us know, no 

# use secure protocols!

we offer secure version for each of our services that need authentication, 
no need to send unencrypted passwords over the wire.

ftps instead of ftp: any decent ftp client is capable of ssl/tls. look for 
it in the settings, activate it, accept the mur.at certificate and use it 
as usual. insecure ftp will be kissed goodbye for good, soon. better 
switch now!

use scp: standard on linux, macosx even offers fugu (a filebrowser-like 
graphical user interface for scp, a little buggy still, but useable) and 
there are free windoze clients around, like winscp 

both, pop and imap, can be used over ssl/tls. as with ftp, it's completely 
transparent to the user, ie. once you have it configured (check it, all 
other settings are the same), you won't notice any difference (but THEY 
will...). here also, the insecure transport will go away, soon.

# save your passwords only in your head!

don't write them to a file, not on the server, not on your machine. don't 
let your programs save passwords (the answer to 'save password?' is a 
stubborn 'NO').
the security and privacy of your - and other people's - data should be 
worth memorizing a couple of passwords, and typing them in when prompted, 
shan't they? (yeah! that's "shan't"! love it...)

also, make sure your browser does not save form data (to save it, 
unfortunately seems to be the default setting with most [all?] current 
browsers) when you use webmail or similar services. this especially 
applies to browsers on othere people's machines and internet cafes (if you 
can't change the setting, execute 'remove stored form data' and/or similar 
from the options menu, if that's not possible, search for and delete the 
browser data via the filebrowser, if that isn't possible, get a gun and 
ask for the manager).

there's more...

the crack was initially made possible by a little known but nonetheless 
effective exploit in an administration webinterface part of a php bulletin 
board that was installed in a user's home directory. badly written 
outdated software. installed, no administration done, no updates applied.

as a consequence, users will have to
1. contact the noc _before_ installing software,
2. guarantee that the software is maintained properly, updated regularly, 
and security patches and fixes are applied if necessary and ASAP.

'software' here is a tricky term. definitely included are any kind of CMS 
(content management system), BB (bulletin board) or similar cgi and/or php 
based suites.

btw. there's no need to put up your own bulletin board. there is 
http://bb.mur.at/. you can have your own forum there, just let us know.

the same goes for phpmyadmin. use https://mur.at/phpmyadmin/
                                      ^---> secure! insecure when run from 
your home dir.
(phppgadmin: ditto)

your advantage: no installation hassles, no administration -> no 
responsibility in case of admin-caused fuck up.

smaller affairs, like poll scripts, are not so sensitive, but still we 
would like to be informed. (bb is capable of polls, btw.)

one more thing on passwords:
as soon as we will have figured out a viable mechanism there will be an 
expiry date on every mur.at password, ie. you will have to change it 
periodically, like once every three or four months. why not practice by 
changing it yourself? NOW.
and to all those who are sharing their account with a webmaster, db-person 
or similar: contact us for additional accounts. there's a temporary 

so much for now. more soon...


- -- 

wuensche, wohl administriert worden zu sein!

  NOC at mur.at
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

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