[sixpackfilm] BODY GAMES, (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico in A Coruña

international at lists.sixpackfilm.com international at lists.sixpackfilm.com
Fri May 28 11:22:57 CEST 2021

sixpackfilm has been invited to design a program for the upcoming (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico in A Coruña, which we are pleased to announce.

June 4th, Friday, at 18:30 @ the Galician Cinematheque (Filmoteca de Galicia).
https://s8cinema.com/en/2021/05/19/sixpackfilm-carte-blanche-body-games/ <https://s8cinema.com/en/2021/05/19/sixpackfilm-carte-blanche-body-games/>

Nabel Fabel															Super-8 Girl Games										Otmar Bauer presents

Ernst Schmidt jr.: Kunst & Revolution (Art & Revolution), 1968, 16mm, silent, 2 min 
Otmar Bauer: Otmar Bauer zeigt (Otmar Bauer shows), 1969, 16mm/file, silent, 7 min
Moucle Blackout: Die Geburt der Venus (Birth of Venus), 1970-1972, 35mm, 5 min
Albert Sackl: STEIFHEIT 1-3/7 (STIFFNESS 1-3/7), 2018, 35mm, silent, 9 min 
Mara Mattuschka: Nabel Fabel, 1985, 16mm, 4 min
Kerstin Cmelka: Neurodermitis, 1998, 16mm, silent, 3 min
Maria Lassnig: Couples, 1972, 16mm, 10 min
Ursula Pürrer/ Ashley Hans Scheirl: Super-8 Girl Games, 1985, 16mm/file, 2 min
Hans Scheugl: Prince of Peace, 1993, 16mm, 6 min
Mara Mattuschka: S.O.S Extraterrestria, 1993, 16mm, 10 min
Jason Elvis Parker, Ashley Hans Scheirl: Summer of 95, 1995, 16mm, 13 min
Mara Mattuschka: Es hat mich sehr gefreut (I have been very pleased), 1987, 16mm, 2 min
ART & REVOLUTION was the title of an action performed at the University of Vienna in 1968, and is one of the most famous performances in Austrian post-war history. Scandalized by the Austrian tabloid press, Günter Brus, Otto Mühl, and Peter Weibel, three participants, were summoned to court. Brus was even sentenced to six months in prison, but then fled the country. It was not the reading out of a manifesto, or the public flogging, pissing or fecalizing – commented on by Ernst Schmidt, Jr. in his cinematic interventions – which led to the penalties, but rather that the Austrian national anthem was sung by Brus during his action. Like almost all Actionists, Otmar Bauer was also present; his performance, also known as “Vomiting Action” a year later, is one of the most radical works of Viennese Actionism. Bauer drinks, pukes, eats, pisses, and wallows in his effusions – without mercy toward either himself or the audience. BIRTH OF VENUS by Moucle Blackout is more relaxed, but no less offensive. To three songs by the Beatles and in free association with the eponymous Boticelli figure, Blackout assembles photographs of a pig into a symmetrical montage, creating a mirror effect, but also uses photos in which portraits or dancing women can be seen. STIFFNESS 1-3/7 is a serial long-term project and conceptual masturbation film by Albert Sackl. Every ten years he sits down in front of his 16mm camera and tries to maintain an erection for around four hours, which are compressed to three minutes of film via time lapse and single image recording; three of the seven planned parts are available to date. What sounds banal and chauvinistic turns out to be a humorous self-deconstruction, which incidentally offers a form of the reception history of pornography. Mara Mattuschka is a doyenne of the Austrian avant-garde film who already caused a stir with her former alter ego Mimi Minus. The characteristics of her films include extreme high angle and low angle shots; with shifts in perspective she modulates the view of her body and face (making explicit reference to Viennese Actionism). Her sexual desire points in all directions, including the Eiffel Tower in Paris. In COUPLES, Maria Lassnig also uses a mixture of animation techniques and real film to modulate bodies that do not always wish to fit into one another, paired with short, repetitive but funny episodes of a failing love affair. Kerstin Cmelka, in turn, suffering from neurodermatitis, puts cream on her body, transforming her skin into that of the film strip. In PRINCE OF PEACE by Hans Scheugl one can see anonymous men entering a public toilet, known at the time as a gay cruising place, in a staccato-like rhythm accompanied by a soundtrack of church bells ringing. In between, Scheugl places fragmented pictures from a porn magazine in which the model wears a Jesus tattoo on his upper arm. The film is dedicated to a friend who – as the year of production suggests – died of the consequences of AIDS. For Ashley Hans Scheirl, who, together with their partner Jakob Lena Knebel, will play in the Austrian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2022, Super-8 was one of their favorite artistic tools from the start; the films s/he made together with Ursula Pürrer in the 1980s are entirely committed to queercore punk. The films are an expression of consistently positive sexual energies that blow the whistle on bourgeois sexual and moral concepts and celebrate sexual pluralism. This hedonistic subculture is shown very explicitly in SUMMER OF 1995 (together with Jason Elvis Parker), which captures the drag king fever that was raging in London at the time as well as visits to Scheirl’s lovers and friends from an international scene of queer and transgender artists. (Dietmar Schwärzler, sixpackfilm)

Neubaugasse 45/13
A - 1071 Vienna
Tel (+43-1) 526 09 90 13
office at sixpackfilm.com <mailto:dietmar at sixpackfilm.com>
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