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<td style="text-align: center;" colspan="2"> <img style="width: 609px; height: 342px;" src="https://superbraguita.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/shooting-video-ricardo-leite.jpg?w=1072&h=&zoom=2" alt="" /></td>
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<td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">09.05.2018 (mi)</span><br /> <br /> <big style="font-weight: bold;">Rita Braga</big> <br /> <br /> als Partner von KiG! Kultur in Graz<br /> <br /> 茶々丸 @ Volkshaus<br /> Lagergasse 98A<br /> 8020 Graz<br /> 20:00<br /> Eintritt: €2-6<br /></td>
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<small><span style="font-size: small;"><br /> Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: <a href="http://interpenetration.net">http://interpenetration.net</a></span><br /> <br /> </small>
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<td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;" colspan="2"><br /> Nachdem man immer wieder hört, dass schweine extrem intelligent und reinlich sind, habe ich - schwer verwirrt - mich aufgemacht, herauszufinden, wieso es den ausspruch "männer sind schweine" gibt und bin auf folgende mögliche erklärung gestossen: "Schweine sind mittelgroße Säugetiere, die durch eine kompakte, fassförmige Körperform gekennzeichnet sind. Die Haut ist derb und spärlich mit kurzen, borstenartigen Haaren versehen. Die Fellfärbung variiert von rötlichbraun über grau bis schwarz. Die Kopfrumpflängen reichen von 50 bis 190 Zentimeter, wozu noch ein 3 bis 45 Zentimeter langer Schwanz kommt."<br /> <span class="st">又ね<br /> </span><span class="st">愛</span><br /> <span style="font-size: small;"><br /> </span> <br /> “The
music of Portuguese songstress Rita Braga simultaneously summons the ghosts of Carmen Miranda and synth pioneers such as Delia Derbyshire and Bruce Haack. Her world is one of colours, exuding both the charm of a vintage cartoon character merrily bouncing along and the ominous melancholy of a lost kitten. Having toured all around the world for the best part of a decade, her shows which are both performative and visual will make you feel like you’ve stepped into a David Lynch movie from which you may not return.” (Paul Mangan, EurNoVision)<br /> “I’ll just say that Rita Braga ‘Erosão’ is simply breathless, beautiful frosted chimes, it offers a dream dazed slice of wood crafted folk enchantment trading in a noir traced 60’s shimmering, think Mary Hopkins meets Seafina Steer and you’ll be as near to
close as you can be.” (Mark Barton – The Sunday Experience)<br /> <br /> “All way from Lisbon, Portugal comes Rita Braga. This charming and beautiful Ukulele queen with a voice of velvet plays a brilliant mishmash of sound. Combining Julee Cruise esque Lounge with a strange mix of folk ranging from Serbian, Hawaiian, and Appalachian Mountain music, Rita Braga’s sound is truly unique and refreshing.” (Chris Carlone)<br /> <br /> “Rita’s career is a mishmash of everything – field recordings, analogue sounds, self-published material, internet radio, pirate webcasts, low-fi and soundcloud, home tapes of her singing over the sound of old records and broken old radios. Throughout she has been changing identities, leaving them behind like old clothes. She has collaborated with numerous musicians (such as Presidente
Drogado), and forms bands in a jiffy. Original posters for her shows are usually made by well known graphic artists. She even claims that cartoon characters appear in her dreams, and give her “career” advice.. (…)” (Dragan Kremer, Vreme magazine, Serbia)<br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.superbraguita.com/">http://www.superbraguita.com/</a><br /> <br /> <span style="font-size: small;"><br /> </span>
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<p style="text-align: center;"><small>Available in many colors and styles:</small></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><img class="alignnone" style="width: 160px; height: 149px;" title="Interpenetration T-shirt" src="http://chmafu.mur.at/interpenetration_t-shirt.png" alt="" /></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><small>Bio and Fair Trade!<br /> Printed at <a href="http://www.siebdruckeria.at/" target="_blank">Siebdruckeria</a></small></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><small>If you want one, come to our shows or <a href="mailto:interpenetration@nocords.net">write an email</a>.</small></p>
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